Admit something.

When i lived with my ex boyf years ago we were woken one morning by his friend Mully at the door. I let him in and made him a cuppa while my boyf got dressed and ready. Mully had a massive grin on his face while i was talking to him and i was getting a bit miffed at this as he wouldn't tell me what was up so i left him in the livingroom and went to get ready myself. Looking in the mirror i nearly died with shame- i'd forgotten about the fun we'd had with a choc mousse the night before and my face and arms were covered in it :oops: was so obvious what we'd been up to!

Last year i bought my fancy dress costume for my works xmas party a couple of months early so i could get used to it. I tried it on as soon as it got delivered and was parading about in it infront of Reece. While i was doing that the door bell went so i scooped up Reece and ran to the door without thinking. Seeing the gasmans face when i opened the door made me remember i was dressed as a snowman :oops: I even had my carrot nose on :oops: And it was October :oops: He tried his hardest to keep a straight face though as he came in and read the meter bless him!
O Hazel, I've just about PMSL at both of those!!!!
This thread has made me laugh so much!

Me and my mates once spent our taxi money on a drunken night out so got into a car while the owner was at the bank machine and wouldn't get out until he drove us home :lol:

When I was younger I did a lot of recreational drugs. My mate and I were in a car crash and while we waited for a replacement car two old ladies took us to their house to comfort us and make tea and biscuits while we snorted coke in their bathroom. I am totally ashamed of this and am extra nice to old ladies now!

I have done lots of terrible things that make me cringe now and I hope my LO never does anything like I have done. My DH has been a bit of a goody goody so hopefully she will take after him!
Have decided to confess :oops: :oops: :(

im not Dreamer, im Flicker :D

Sorry girlies, had to admit the truth :(

I felt fake
Dreamer said:
Have decided to confess :oops: :oops: :(

im not Dreamer, im Flicker :D

Sorry girlies, had to admit the truth :(

I felt fake

me too!

im not bubble_dreamer im essexhoney or MissHormonal

dont feel like me in this name :(
Yeah, as well, she can keep her secret, and that other secret i sussed about her :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ok, a couple of new years eves ago think about 3 years agos me and mate just slightly tipsy, went into carpark outside pub and was trying to get our OH's attention, when the looked out we flashed at them!!! this is funniest part, we both realised we had same bra on and turned to each other laughing our heads off still with our tops up by our shoulders!! when we looked back at the pub a crowd had gathered lol, B$ there had only been our OH's at the window :oops:
I love this thread so giving it a *bump*

Okay, okay, I'll admit it.....

I love WWE - yep the wrestling!!! I never miss it, and have been known to scream at the TV! :oops: We even Sky+'d it when we went on honeymoon!!! :shock:
:shock: OH NO tankett! my OH is OBSESSED with WWE he is watching it as we speak and he never misses it! come to my house and play with all OH's wrestling figures! under my bed is a box full of them he has hundreds! my favourite is randy Orton mmmmm :D
it's taken me ages to catch up on this topic and i've been peeing myself reading it lol,

I'm trying to think of some stuff and i've done some pretty mad/bad stuff but am so tired at the mo i'm struggling to think here's some tho :oops:

I was on weight watchers diet and wanted to work out the points of a cadburys cream eggs and asked my mum "who makes cadburys cream eggs" i realised straight away what i'd said - i'm a proper blonde - sorry if i offend any blondes :lol:

I called off my wedding 4 months before i was due to marry, then went through a bad patch and had an affair it lasted 5 months and i feel sooooooo bad about it.

when i was younger and skint and used to go out i would wait for someone to put there drink down and turn there back then pick their drink up and walk off - cheap nights - would never dream of doing that now.

I'm sure i'll think of some more when i'm more awake
My Mum used to go to aerobics in the evening which was held in a school when I was 7. When she did her class I would sneak off and wander around the classrooms. Once when it was Mother's day, all the kids had made chocolates for their Mums and I ate one out of each gift basket. Then...I swapped all the gym kits round from every classroom and hid all the chalk from the board. That was a lowdown dirty day.

I also used to fake my Mum's signature in my homework diary. In fact I don't think she even knew I HAD a homework diary.

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