Admit something.


Just to answer your questions....

A tag is when you graffiti but just write a stupid name. My tag was troop and my friend was trooper because we had 2 rival tagging girls who were shake and shaker :oops:

I don't know why I fancied Jeffrey Dahmer? I fancied Russ Abbott aswell so?????! :dance: "oh what an atmosphere" :dance:

The murdered that attacked me was a friend of my then boyfriend. He attacked me after a night out but I got away then a short time after he attacked and stabbed a woman to death who he had been stalking. It was all very strange and scary.

And yes if you don't mind can you all call me foxy from now on. I love Kid Rock, he makes me feel like a dirty ho. haha. His fan club sucks, I only wanted some naughty pics of him for free and I've recieved nothing.

Lou :)
I eat a whole box of 12 Mr Men Lolly Ices in one go


Thats alls your getting from me :shakehead:
:oops: no ill sound like a pig lol

But stupid Oh isnt helping by bringing home buy one get one free haribo strawbs :x he works at morrisons so hes feeding my addiction to food :(
JMC said:
I eat a whole box of 12 Mr Men Lolly Ices in one go


Thats alls your getting from me :shakehead:

i ate a full multi pack of 12 McCoys flame grilled steak crisps one after the other when i was PG with adele :oops:

oh yeah and i cant swimm :shhh: :oops:
When I'm doing the washing, if I find some money in my OH's pockets, I just keep it and say nothing! Well, its his own fault for not emptying his pockets properly and my fee for doing his washing!
i wet the bed till i was like 11, had to go to hospital to get put to sleep for them to check me out down there because i wouldnt show the doctor my fairy lol...i think it was cause i get very very nasty nightmares and they were worse when i was little...i think cause i was so young my nightmares had more an effect on me and scared me so much i wet myself :oops: :oops: :oops: then i used to try and change the sheets and put the others in the washing machine in the middle of the night cause i was so embarresed!
cassi said:
i wet the bed till i was like 11, had to go to hospital to get put to sleep for them to check me out down there because i wouldnt show the doctor my fairy lol...i think it was cause i get very very nasty nightmares and they were worse when i was little...i think cause i was so young my nightmares had more an effect on me and scared me so much i wet myself :oops: :oops: :oops: then i used to try and change the sheets and put the others in the washing machine in the middle of the night cause i was so embarresed!

awwwwwww (((( hugs )))) i still get nightmares :( the one i keep having ( 3 times this week :? ) im running from someone sont know who it is or if its a man or not but im running so hard but its like its all in slow motion and imnot getting anywhere my OH says im just not normal :evil:
i get the falling ones as im going to sleep sometimes, and then in deep sleeps i get ones about people i love been killed, or someone trying to kill me or really horrible things etc, i have been known to wake up screaming or crying my eyes out..and even when i wake up sometimes im so traumatised by the nightmare that i carry on crying for hours

cas xx
do u go to bed worried about anything? i do find that if i go to bed with something borthering me wich i have been doing for a good while now i have nightmares and they say eating cheese before going to bed gives you nightmares too. I tend to talk in my sleep ( i have been knwing to sleep walk when i was younger :oops: ) OH said i was having a conversation with vin diesel in my sleep once dont know if hes winding me up he said i was saying his name in a very quiet and slow voice :oops: (wish i was having a real convo with vince in that

try listening to some relaxation music while drifting off to sleep hun it may make you more relaxed and have a better sleep take care hun
im a terrible worry...i get sick of worry sometimes and i dont even know what im worried about ! :? its weird..

I used to sleep walk..and i used to wake up in my sleep and have a go at my ex in my sleep or starts muttering things that to him apparently sounded like k;dshfdh fdshfldsak lol...its really weird..i wish he had recorded me one night would of been funny hehe

cas xx
lol my OH says i freak him out sometimes like if i go to bed before him he will come to bed and i will just sit straight up mumble something then lye back down and my eyes would be wide open. If it was him who done that i would have been well
weestar21 said:
lol my OH says i freak him out sometimes like if i go to bed before him he will come to bed and i will just sit straight up mumble something then lye back down and my eyes would be wide open. If it was him who done that i would have been well

Owains done that before :shock: was scary I thought something was wrong.

(ops should edit this Owains my OH)
violet-glow said:
weestar21 said:
lol my OH says i freak him out sometimes like if i go to bed before him he will come to bed and i will just sit straight up mumble something then lye back down and my eyes would be wide open. If it was him who done that i would have been well

My OH does this, its horrible, it scares me with the wide eyes! then I say to him what are you doing then I get scared because they say if you wake someone who is sleep walking/talking they can turn on you!

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