aargh graco quattro tour deluxe pls help me!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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does anyone kno how 2 work these pesky prams i cant follow the instructions in the manual aaaaaaaaarrrrrrghhh its stressing me out!!!!

how do u set it up for a newborn? theres 3 parts to it, the built-in bit that goes like a buggy, then theres a little black bit that looks like a little coffin, then theres another hooded bit that goes on top and i think is also the car seat.

please someone help me i dont kno which bit to put the baby in first!

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
lol that thing that looks like a coffin is the carry cot bit thats what you use first. Alot of mums just clip carseat in but i liked it that alfie was lieing flat instead of bunched up. then when they get a bit more nosey then you can put themin the carseat bit and clip it in
its handy if you are going ouyt in car though and you have the baby asleep you can just clip tjhe seat on without waking bubs.

justpull the bit at the back and make sure that the seat back is flat, then put the carry cot in so its facing you. then you pull the hood so that it is over te cup holder bit and looks like a pram bit shielding the carry cot
I have the Mothercare Trenton Deluxe which I think is just the same.

Just do everything Steph just said lol :D

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