Can anyone advies me on travel system/cot/moses basket??


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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:wave: Hello ladies!

It still feels too early for me but me and dh went out today and had a look at a few buggies and realised we have no clue what we are doing!!
We liked the Graco Quattro travel tour system
as it can be used as a pram (which i like) and then my dh said that the baby could sleep in the carry cot attachment in our room at the beginning- is this ok?!
Or should we just get a pram, seperate car seat, seperate carry cot/moses basket and buggy?!

Sorry if I seem really stoopid- I just never even so much as glanced at this kind of stuff before and now feel a bit lost!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
handbagqueen said:
:wave: Hello ladies!

It still feels too early for me but me and dh went out today and had a look at a few buggies and realised we have no clue what we are doing!!
We liked the Graco Quattro travel tour system
as it can be used as a pram (which i like) and then my dh said that the baby could sleep in the carry cot attachment in our room at the beginning- is this ok?!
Or should we just get a pram, seperate car seat, seperate carry cot/moses basket and buggy?!

Sorry if I seem really stoopid- I just never even so much as glanced at this kind of stuff before and now feel a bit lost!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Its all so complicated isnt it?

personally i think having the carry cot for a while is a great idea and will save you money on a moses basket as i personally find them a waste of money as babies are hardly in them no time at all and some babies dont even like them (my kids were in theres a month tops!) the only reason i had one this time is because it ws given to me. If theres a next time it will go straight into the cot.

I think travel systems are a bargain! i love the ones with the carrycot as the baby can lay down or you can just attach the carseat if your out in the car and dont want to wake the baby up.

Travel cots are fab to have if you decide to go out an leave the baby with a grandparent or friend, ive had mine for 4 years and its been used countless tmes and was worth what I paid for it.

I looked at the link and love the system! if it had been out when i had my kids i would of bought it.

I hope i have been some help. :D
Thanks mrs_tommo22!
I think i was just worried cos it was the first one we saw and both liked so thought it would be too good to be true! Sounds like we can use the carry cot that comes with the buggy? The dh will be happy- less extra for him to buy!
Hiya HBQ, the carrycot part will be fine as long as it lays completely flat.

And when your baby is fed up of it then put it in the cot. Youl save a fortune.
and the carrycot attachment and I LOVE IT!!!!
Obviosuly i haven't used it yet but i've played around with it. It's so lovely!!!

I think the carrycot bit is fabulous, i have a crib but will be using the carrycot around the house (rather than a moss basket) and to turn the pushchair into a pram.

The crib will be used for night times mainly (i think)

I think it's great value to get all this is one matching system than to have to get it all seperately.

ALSO! sign up for the babies r us gold card and they send you vouchers - we got £30 off any travel system over £150 so we used that for ours which was rather nice! And they send lots of other handy vouchers too!
Thanks for letting me know about the gold card- have to take another trip down there tomorrow and join up.
Wow, can't believe we managed to find one so easily!
we had the graco quattro tour deluxe! (the car seat was included, i think thats what the "deluxe" is) its really great! we had a separate moses basket tho, u can get nice ones for only about £20. the carrycot is ok for naps, but its not as sturdy arounf the sides as moses basket and its quite smaller, and of course it doesnt hav a stand. i'd get a separate moses basket.
but yeah, big up the graco quattro- i love it! its really sturdy and chunky and strong, but easy to steer its not heavy.

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