Hi all, I just wanted to ask your opinion on my symptoms ok here goes my last period was on the 11th April and I am due again on the 7th May (26 day cycle). I had sex every other night around my Ovulation time. I have quite a few signs but I am not sure if they are right, I am really tired, I have been nausea's along with Lightheadedness and dizzy spells (maybe nausea is coming from that) I am little emotional but only one day I have had that, since Sat past I have had a sore stomach like a period on its way only milder, My partner says my breast are a little firmer and there is a hard feeling to my stomach but still a little Jelly, also on Sunday late night around 11.00pm I felt really sick as if I was going to vomit but when I reached the bathroom I was ok (twice that happened). That is all my symptoms I am convinced I am pregant but dont want to get my hopes up!
Pls pls help and let me know what you think, all comments welcome! Thanks I also just remembered that this morning there was a bit of blood although tiny and nothing there when I wiped!?