Pls tell me what you think!

Well I took a test on on Sat an it came back negative, I felt no real symptoms over the weekend and started feeling very disappointed! I woke this morning to medium period pains and went to the toilet to find very little blood, I am hoping that that is going to be it but I will just have to wait and see until 2moro! Is period pain a good sign or bad? I am so diappointed!
Hi Dee,

I didnt get any bleeding or period pains in March, (last AF was Feb) although i did have a weird feeling in my tummy which i mistoke for period pains. It could just be spotting, I hope so, let us know tmrw if anymore develops. Im really sorry if this doesnt work out for you, all the best

Natalie x
I really hope it is just spotting but my hopes so far are dashed once again! I am beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with me and to be honest I feel like giving up!
A lot of woman have to wait a long time before conceiving, you cant think like that just yet. You should never give up on something you want so badly, regardless of how you might feel now. your time will come when its meant to be, if this month it doesnt work out, then enjoy trying again for next month! I cant imagine how you must be feeling, but please try to look up, after all tmrw is another day and there must be hundreds of other women feeling the same as you.

Take care and hope all is ok
Natalie x
I wish you the best of luck dee. I'm in the same boat your in. Best of luck!!

Im so sorry to hear that, hopefully you will have a different story to tell next month.

take care and all the best

natalie x
I hope so aswell!

How long did it take you ot get pregnant, I have been trying now for around maybe 6-9 months.
To be honest I wasnt really trying, I came off the pill end of last May, but we were carefull for the first few months, and didnt really pay any attention to dates etc. We both aggreed that when/if it happened it would be great and out time to have a baby. So Im sorry, I know a few on this site have been really trying and I always feel so bad that I just fell pregnant one day without trying to much. We just enjoyed the practising and let nature take its course!

Natalie x
Lord I wrote a hole post and closed it down without sending it jezz!!!!

Anyway dont you be sorry, you are one of the lucky ones just, dont be worrying too much that you just got pregnant without trying I think its probably better that way!

If I could do it that way I would but it would still get to the end of the month and I would be going umm ahh maybe!

I am going to try my best now this month not to even think about it and let nature do its course if it doesnt happen it doesnt happen.

The only thing that annoys me is those people who dont even want a child then treat them like a piece of dirt, thats what really annoys me but yet those who want children cant have them or find it difficult to conceive, thats what annoys me!

So anyway dont you be worrying, your one of the lucky ones!!!!

Love Dee xx
I know what you mean, about people falling preg without wanting it and then treating the kids like dirt. One of my closest friends has been told she has a 99% chance of never being able to have kids, so i know she feels the same.

Im sure your time will come soon, prob when your not even expecting it!

Love Natalie x

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