A tip for Babies and Christmas Trees LOL


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
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Well i go my tree up the other night, and in the Morning Kaiden came down and saw it tried to make a speedy wobbly walk to it, so when he got there i said to him 'oh kaiden NO, thats burnie and it touched the tree and pulled my hand back as if it was real warm, and said ouch. He looked at it then walked away. It worked he treat sees it as a radiator thinks its warm and doesnt touch it. So i might have an Christmas tree standing by xmas day. XkelX :cheer:
maybe i should say ok play with it B always stops him wen he is allowed to play with summit lol

glad its worked for u hun
haha thats funny, he will be 25 and living with his girlf and say "i cant put the tree up its too hot" haha xxxx
I have a better idea - a cage. Just need to work out whether tree or baby goes in the cage though :think: :wink:
LOL, my MIL came up last night saying how beautiful the tree looked i was sayin inside please dont touch it, ( its supposed to be warm). Hel have a phobia of christmas trees that sounds bad now XkelX
Alex went over to the tree before and started telling it off. I'm sure he thinks it's the tree saying 'NO' to him all the time. If I remember rightly with the others, it only took a few days for them to leave it alone - of course I'm probably deluding myself
what a great idea! il use that one next year...better still il pass it onto my sister to use it with my neice! :)

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