a few little niggles, can anybody put my mind at rest...


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
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hey ladies, hope everyone's okay.
basically im getting myself into a right panic as midewifes left me a voicemail saying she needs another sample of urine but not explained why, i gave her some at my booking in appt last weds... what does she check for... could she have found anything wrong just from checking my urine???
also got my scan appt for next thursday. i'll be 13+4, this is okay for the nuchal screening right???
i've had too much time to myself as i've been poorly and not left the house and i think i'm just worrying about EVERYTHING :(
they test your urine for Glucose (sugar), ketones, Blood, the PH bablance, protine, nitrates and white blood cells, perhaps she found a trace of something and wants to make sure it's gone, I am sure it's nothing to worry about, if it was a high quanity of something they would have got you back in sooner.

My scan is at approx 13 + 3, as long as the date is approximately between 12 and 14 weeks (and I think this can be late in to the 14th week) you'll be fine for the nuchal screening, remember you can have your EDD altered at your 12 week scan so you could only be 12 weeks anyway

Good luck with everything
thank you.
this pregnancy is making me so neurotic!!!
will try to keep calm :) xxx
I don't get too much chance to get too nurotic, I have seen my OB at clinic everyweek for the past month!!! I still am managing to take her a new issue everyweek though.

Don't worry though, you'll be fine x

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