A bit scared


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Went to the Doctor's on Wednesday morning, as been having a few odd cramps, and lost all symptoms for two days, :( he sent be up the hospital, where they wouldn't scan as wasn't yet six weeks, took my blood hcg levels were 4024, got to go back tomorrow at 9.30 for more bloods, cramps stopped when I got to the hospital , have had no bleeding or anything, but stupidly went and did a clear blue digital this evening and it came up 2-3 weeks rather than 3+, now scared Im going to lose baby :(
Please try not to worry rosa, im sure that everything is going to be fine huni. I know you must be so scared!Please let us know how you get on tomorrow, ill be thinking of you xxx
Aww Rosa, Couldnt it just be cos you tested tonight instead of in the morning and maybe your urine was more diluted?? I dont know alot about the CBD tests but could this be a possibility?
I have everything crossed for you tomorrow. Are they going to do you a scan when you are 6 weeks?
Jody xxxxxx
yeah they said they would do a scan after the bloodtests so sometime next week
Sending you a big hug Rosa , will be thinking of you in the next few days of waiting till your next hcg test
Don't do any more tests at home , those conception predictor things are not so accurate you know and can change.

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Hey hon, big hugs and thinking of u today - hope all goes well x x x
I had cramps on and off all the way throught the beginning of my pregnancy till about 8/10 weeks I think Can't remember when they stopped but they were scary but it was just my womb growing for the baby inside :D At one point I was in tears because it was that bad but I never lost any blood so my sister say they wouldnt do an early scan because i had no signs of miscarriage. Hoping everything is ok hun but its natural is this your first pregnancy.

Do you have PCOS as well I have it and that might be a cause of some of the pain too?? with the growing i mean .
Hope it goes well this morning and your hcg levels have risen - fingers crossed for you xx
How did you get on Rosa? xxxxxxx
How did it go? x hope you're ok honey x
Still waiting for them to phone the results through
I have everything crossed Rosa xxxx
Your HCG numbers sound good to me hunni, and so far no bleeding so thats a good sign. I wouldn't worry about the CB digi test, I didn't get the 3+ when I thought I should (think I should have been 6 weeks then) but then I found out at my dating scan that I must have ovulated late and they put me back 5 days so they are not very accurate really.

Fingers crossed for you hunni xxx
Got my results back, Hasn't doubled they 6191 now (44 hours between them) she didn't seem worried said it was still within in the normal range, Want's me to go for a scan next friday morning.
Rosa, That sounds VERY promising and only a week to wait for your scan, TRY to stay calm hun xxxxxxx Have everything crossed for you xxxx

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