A bit sad but working through it

aw hun. It must be so awful being apart for that length of time. I hate it for a night or two never mind what you have to put up with.

One thing, has your OH spoke to other guys in his work about how they cope in terms of having a family/work/costs? There must be other men in the MOD police who have families/kids etc? Maybe he could ask their advice on how they cope and if there is any help available? My friend works for the MOD and I know that there are all sorts of schemes in place to help the staff etc so maybe you could look into that?

Really hope things pick up soon chick
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'll not go into much detail about the affrodable housing extra Jen&james the MOD in Reading sold all the accomidation they had for staff years ago and will not help or house him unless they repost him
We could get keyworker in Reading but not here James isnt very keen on it he sees it as just as much money going down the drain as renting weve saved as much as we can and he dosnt want the last 2 years hard saving to be swallowed by part rent

we had a lovely day yesterday we spent all day reconnecting last night we made love for the first time in ages adn it was wonderfull to be so close to him again

Then this morning something happend that upset me and he tried to make it better though it wasnt his fault i was inconsolable
James left the room and went into the bedroom i went in there and found him in floods of tears he kept saying he was sorry he was letting me down and making me unhappy
it broke my heart :( :cry: i apologised and we hugged and kissed
We went to mothers and toddlers this morning and it went well :D and we parted on happier terms before he left to go back to Reading

Im so scared my emotional feelings and reactions to things is going to destroy us :cry:
He cant help the fact i have to live here but i cant stop the fact im at the end of my patience.
last week i got so low i was so close to leaving and moving back up North of course id not do it but thats how bad things have got
We do love each other very much, he means everything to me its our 5th year together in 2 weeks i so wish it to be a happy 5th year :pray: :hug:
ooh its just to complicated to explain our situation :wall: and like im making exuces that could be easily resolved but there not and there are a whole load of reasons as to our situation

And Danni your right i seem to show others alot of care and warmth and get s*** apon from a great highet and when im upset noone is there for me

Thank your for your lovely words about me and James it ment a lot!! :hug: :hug:
This is how i feel about James he is my soul mate and i'l fight tooth and nail to keep him :hug:
He loves me to i know he dose and i feel his love for me every day.
Its just so hard like now the past hour collied screamed holy was as hes relised Daddys not here he dose this every afternoon after James has gone he really misses his Daddy :( :hug:

Sorry for all the moaning just needed to let it all out :oops:
Don't apologise for moaning hun! You obviously haven't been in Tri3 lately :rotfl: I think there are about 5 threads of mine just moaning and whinging about everything & nothing! :lol: :hug:

Poor little Collier! Bless him! He's so lucky to have you 2 as parents! You both love him so damn much :hug:

Not long til James comes home now :hug: You know we're always here for a rant, so rant away! xx
Geordie&Bairn said:
Sorry for all the moaning just needed to let it all out :oops:

Dont be daft babes, thats what we're here for :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Ive not really got any advice, but i just wanted to send you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: The great thing about your situation is that youve both realised that its happening...its not like youre ignoring the problem until it gets so big that you've got nothing left to do but split....you know theres something that needs to be worked on, and your doing it! Most people arnt brave enough to address problems between them , their scared of rocking the boat...Me and OH nearly split up abou 3 years ago for various reason...all because i didnt want to talk about it, then things got so bad that one day i just announced i was leaving. Poor bloke didnt even see it coming :cry: luckily i DIDNT leave and nowadays im as happy as a pig in poo, but if we'd only talked about it, it never wouldve got that far.

I know how much you love him, and i have no doubts that if you work at it, you can sort everything out. Whenever you write about james it always makes me go "aww :D ". Youve got something special right there, you two. Definitely worth fighting for :hug: xxxxxxx
hello hun i have only just seen this and couldn't possibly add anything to what everyone has already said-
just to say i hope it all works out and i'm sure it will and give you some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope your ok hunny xxx
The first few months, possibly the first year are really really hard with a new baby.

I really hope everything works out and just be sure to keep communicating.

All the best hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
the girls have said it all really sarah i jut wanted to send some hugs your way :hug: :hug:
A new baby always puts pressure on even the strongest of couples :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope you two sort things soon hun :hug: :hug:
Awww, hun. I am sorry you are going througth all of this. But, from what youve told, both of you want this relationship to work. And that is the main thing :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
how's it going hon?? not really seen you about here much... hope you're ok? :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You are a lovely person and I admire your strength, your really not having an easy time of it at the moment. It might not feel like it now but things will get better :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun, having a baby is stressful enough without added pressures. Try and find some time for just you and James... go out for a nice meal or if you are struggling (moneywise) just ask someone to mind collier for the night and have a night in just the 2 of you with a bottle of wine and take away and enjoy each others company xx
only just read this hun, i hope thing are going ok. pm me anytime if you want to chat.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
jennifer1981 said:
Aw hun, having a baby is stressful enough without added pressures. Try and find some time for just you and James... go out for a nice meal or if you are struggling (moneywise) just ask someone to mind collier for the night and have a night in just the 2 of you with a bottle of wine and take away and enjoy each others company xx

I wish :lol:

Thank you everyone ive not been on much lately as Colliers teething had been really bad the past few weeks ive had hardly time to stand up sit down and stand up agian theses days :lol:

Thngs are much better between me and James were talking more and i think weve worked through it now
Were both trying hard to make things work (apart from presents :wink: ) and things have been happier between us
Not everythings resolved and things still need to be sorted and worked on but im sure we'll get there
we've not had a argument that ends to us both in floods of tears and the last time James was home we had a lovely few days together more relaxed calmer and contented
We'll be ok yes we still have our moment like the one ive just posted about but over all its going great
if i can find it in my heart not to kill him for being mr scrooge :lol:

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