
Sorry to read this hun :( How's things now?
hi hun about your divorce you could get it done easier and quick if you start getting it going all you need is dates you split up and evidence whch you have coz hes engaged to the women he went with,mind saying im still waitin for my ex to sign the divorce papers he ran away we me sister and there engaged and been living together ive been trying to get divorced from him for 3 year give 5 different address to solicitors and he sed he hasnt received them yet so i have to start all over again with it. any solicitor says that its better to get the other person to do it you could get him deffo for audultry and the way hes being now unreasonable behaviour thru that you can sort out what he is paying you for the lil one too i hope this helps you, my ex wont do it so i got advice off solicitor plus if your not working you get legal aid and if he works he has to pay for it and possible have to give you a payout aswell xx i waited 2 years b4 i started seeing some one which was my choice lol then i ended up meeting oh and having a daughter
if you do do the divorce your self keep all text and stuff they can get an injuction order done aswell which can keep him away from the lil one but if you dont want that they can arrage it just for you and have contacted at a centre or your parents which means both you dont have to see him if he keeps carrying on ask the police for an injuction order out on him if he phones or text you with it hell get done for harresment and breaking the injuction order
things aint improved, im constantly checking my back cos i know he will b pissed at the fact i rang the police on him, so dunno what he might do

i had to meet his fiancee to get my son bk on sun, she didnt even look at me which was fine, but im just so sick of the lot of it, i want no contact with him but i need to for the weeone, i said we could do all this through his and my parents but he wont..

i cant afford to get a divorce at the moment, plus ive never got the time to go to the actual solicitors, i might now that im on sick pay, will need to see what happens x

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