A big time TMI post


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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So here i am in day one of tri 3 :lol:

and im sorry to say its a few unpleasant mishaps!

the other day i needed a number 2 and lately ive been in really bad pain going for one (think its just constipation) and within seconds of deciding i needed to go, it just came out!! not runny or anything. i literally pood myself.

Today walking through town, i wet myself! cant believe it!! sooo embarassing! luckily it wasnt loads and wasnt obvious as i wear a long coat :rofl: but Oh my god its no joke!

can you get like internal piles? because i havent got anything, er, sticking out but the pain is quite bad when i go. and to actually full on poo yourself is just so wrong! i really run to the toilet now if i think i need to go!

Also, ive had some thrushy symptoms today, so got my pessary and cream handy :) gonna take that later lol.

if anyone has anything similar please do let me know, i cant believe some of the things that happen in pregnancy!!
YEP you can get internal piles better in than out trust me!! Treat em quick or you will be like me the other week well and truly suffering, I had a week without one and one has lurked up again so its getting zapped no way am I going through that pain again!
I take fybogel on and off now to make sure I go easily
Yes hun I am having toilet troubles, I usually go everyday as I have IBS but as the last few weeks I find that I dont go for two days then on the thirs day I really have to go, when the feeling comes on its really sore and my stomach feels tight I just have to get there and then, when I am actually going it is so sore to get out and takes a lot of pushing - today I bleed twice from the front end when this happened, apparently too much straining. I understand how sore it is and once I go once for the next few hours I maybe have to go about three more times (on Friday it was bad and I just hadda go back to bed and lay down). Sorri there is not much dignity with this message!! PS I have had Thrush nearly everyday since 15 weeks pregnant !!Nightmare
ive had thrush recently, and oh my god it felt like my lady bits had swolen to 10 times the size, it hurt when i walked!! :'(

im now suffereing a really bad chest infection n coughin lots, and finding im peein myself, its horrible, im trying my best to hide it from my hubby, but when it happens it really happens, its so ambarassing, i hate it, i hope to god it stops after the baby is here, i think its is the shear weight on my bladder when im literally coughing and spewin (TMI) my guts up,

iv started with like a really weird discharge now.... its like cum, lol sorry, but lots kinda stringy like snot... and its been here for a few days, ive got crippleing backache with it, does this sound like thrush again? (i only had it mildly so the doc said n after a few applications of the cream was back to normal)

Ah Flexi the joys of pregnanyc, yup I have peed myself, I can't do my teath or run the tap for washing up without legs securly crossed now or have to run upstairs, I should have shares in panty liners, (just for my peace of mind really!, but have saved the day on several occasions now!). I am gonna treat me to one of those pelvic exersize things from boots afterwards, as I have already had an op on this before kids, as have week pelvc floor muscles when a teanager!

your not alone, hang in there
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the only thing i have noticed more is that iam needin a number 2 abit more often also my bladder has started again so trips to the loo
Sexyamy-potentially could be thrush you're describing. Whenever I get it I get very strange thick discharge. I was just about to ask if anyone finds they get swelling when they had thrush but one of you just answered that for me! As I'm swollen down there as well as sooooo itchy! It's bloody difficult what we do eh, all this wowed stuff! I guess it's nearly over. Another 12 or so weeks and then I guess you come out the othe side feeling completely different!
I wonder if your body I just preparing you for a complete life change. X
I am leaking all over the place too! Only the other day in asdas I sneezed and my face was like "oh my god!". Simon saw and asked "do you need the toilet?" cos he knew that I was needing the loo every 5 mins. My response - "not anymore, I've just been!" :rofl: and in the soup aisle too!

Invest in panty liners! They are a lifesaver!
Ive peed myself a few times when throwing up, not fun. Got to the point where if i knew i was gonna throw up, i stripped first! Lol save on laundry. I think my body has got used to thrush or something, its a lil red and itchy if i irritate the area.. but in general i have no itch now, just the damn discharge! its GROSS
u can get internal piles my doc only gave me lactulose solution when i got them as mine wasnt really bad and that helped me go toilet without being constipated which didnt hurt as much also bran flakes and lots of water did wonders for me, if u have any toilet cramps or wind pains i reccommend windeeze tablets safe in pregnancy and work quickly.

as for peeing a little yes its all normal ive nearly had a few accidents so many times esp at this stage there is so much pressure on ur bladder with baby sometimes i feel i need to pee loads and i literally just have a drizzle it sucks haha xxx
I am leaking all over the place too! Only the other day in asdas I sneezed and my face was like "oh my god!". Simon saw and asked "do you need the toilet?" cos he knew that I was needing the loo every 5 mins. My response - "not anymore, I've just been!" :rofl: and in the soup aisle too!

Invest in panty liners! They are a lifesaver!

^^ :rofl:

its so funny, sometimes when i have some dishcarge n it feels a little bit on the knicks im like OMG I THINK I JUST WET MY SELF!! OHs face of fear :shock: is unbeatable!
I love saying just when we get in the car "OMG i think my water is just breaking!" its his worst nightmare, that i will mess his car up :rofl:

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