9 weeks early


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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My sister in law had her baby 9 weeks prem this morning. She was MASSIVE and we all thought that mayb the dates were wrong - cos she honestly looked 9 months preg.
Turns out it was fluid, and a water infection made her go into labour early.
She had a tiny little girl at 12.15am weighing 3lb 6oz. She got taken away n had to have a steriod inj to get her lungs going or sumthing as none of her organs are fully formed yet. The docs have a guarded prognosis as to wether she will survive or not, they have taken blood and they get the results on friday to see wether she has downs or anything else wrong with her :cry: So we are all so excitied that shes here but at the same time aprehensive (sp) to say congrats etc cos we dont wether she will make it :(

Selfish but makes me realise how lucky i am to have a healthy baby

So we're all preying that she'l be a fighter and come through this :pray: :pray:
I'll keep her in my prays hun. Does the little one have a name yet?

thanks girlies - no she doesnt have a name :( just 'baby frost'
Hiya hun

hope everything is ok :hug: if i would you i would check with your brother whether they want cards and stuff because i was really hurt when we didn't get any when Conal was born everyone assumed that they should wait untill we were sure he was ok and i wanted them to acknowledge that he was here.

SHe maybe different though but i would ask just in case :) .


Oh no hope everything turns out okay in the end . keep us updated
Hi, my little boy was born 8 weeks early and hes fighting fit now..

i shall be praying baby frost will pull through, give them my love.. :hug:
Aw hope everything works out ok and the baby is a fighter.

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