9 days overdue and sweep no2 - being induced on saturday

good luck Evelina.. I hope you have little Noa in your arms in the next couple of days. I can't wait until i see your labour watch thread :) have a nice time with ur sister x
I hope the second sweep does the trick and is easier on you than the last one! Come on Noa! there are so many people cheering him on now, he can't be long!
Hope you have a fab time with your sister hon & you never know, when you least expect it ...

Big :hugs: to you xxx
so went for my sweep and i was atleast 2 cm dialeted now and his head is alot further down which is a good progress :yay:
i got another sweep on friday and then im booked in for being induced on saturday :wall: but hey.. atleast i know i will have noa this week :love:
That's great news, but I don't think it will come to you being induced hon. Sounds like things are starting to happen already :good: xxx
wooo!! Great news.. Lets hope he comes naturally :) xx
Thats fab! Lets hope he gets here before then though!!
fingers crossed hun, hope it all goes well for you xxx
Good luck! Hoping he arrives soon for you. xx
hope it works this time hun how many days over will you be when your induced x
Wow sounds like things are starting to move along nicely!! :yay: Really hope Noa's here by then, which I'm sure he will :) But at least u know you should have him by sunday no matter what :dance: x x
woop woop so excited for you isobel hopefully little noa makes an apperance before being induced. Dont worry if you need 2 be induced though its a brilliant experience and at least you have a date to meet your little boy xxx
Hope this one works for you. At least you know you'll have Noa in your arms soon! Yayyy. :D
Hope the one today gets things going - sounds like its getting started by itself anyway. :dust: :dust:
Great news! Is your sister pregnant too? Sure I remember you saying she was. If you go into labour in the next few days will your sis be there too as well as OH?
Hey hon, hope it all happens before but if not yay for Sunday!!!!! x x x

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