Being induced on Thursday


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2006
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Been to the hospital today to check baby movements, heartrate ect and im being induced on thursday :shock: althou im only 40 weeks today, theres a chance i may be more than that cos i only found out i was pregnant when i was 26 weeks :oops: and its diff to date te baby when their that old apparently. So by thursday evening i should be holding me baby :dance: YAY and the pains that iv had since sat night, were the start of labour cos im now a whole 2cm dilated!! LOL

I also had a sweep so im kinda hoping that will gets things moving abit faster, as iv heard that being induced makes labour sooooo much longer!

Hope everyone is doing well
Oh, WOW good luck Tori, be brave im sure you will be fine!!!! Cant wait to hear your birth story and welcome your new baby into the forum xx
Hey Tori,I am also 40 weeks today!!I have to go to hospital on Friday,so I am curious as to what will happen then.What sort of pains have you been having?I have been having some really funny pains,I was just wondering if I may be dilating down there too!! :pray:

I hope you start naturally in the meantime...Good luck whatever happens! :D
:dance: :dance: :dance: yay for thursday! lovely date too, 18th may! lovely!
goodluck huny!
Good luck, hope things start naturally for you but what ever, it won't be long until your holding your LO. :D
Wow thats great news. Dont forget your camera!
Good luck Tori and also Bagpuss, I hope you boh have fast and pain free births! Can't wait to hear all about them :D
i was like you tori 2cms when i went for my sweep dont know if it worked but the next day they induced me due to protein in my wee, i had my waters broken then when nothing happened within 4hours i was on a drip and my little man arrived later that day. So ask if they can break your waters it could speed up the whole process!!
bagpuss, they are like really bad period pains/camps and lower back pain. Been writing down the times and their all over the place, their like 8,11,17,6 mins apart so didnt think it was the real thing.

Still getting them so im just :pray: that it will happen on its own.

Will keep you all posted thou :dance:
good luck tori - not that your going to need it... everything will go okay! come on and let us know how you got on... tell us about every pain and push....

good luck too - bagpuss.. hope your contractions start on their own before friday... we want to know about every pain...

good luck girls xxx

Oh how exciting good luck, hope you start before then.
Good luck for tomorrow. Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Tan x
good luck for tomorrow - you coud still go on your own tonight.. good luck!


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