61% of pregnant British women drink whilst pregnant...true?


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Just been catching up with the recent sky living programme 'pissed and pregnant' and one of its opening statistics was that 61% of British women drink whilst pregnant. This is compared to 20% of American pregnant women but it makes us the heaviest drinkers when pregnant in the world. Now it didn't say how much they drink to count in that statistic but I just wondered what people thought, do you think that is accurate?
Well I would never say I 'drank while pregnant' as the phrasing of that (to me) makes it sound like I have done it throughout, however, at my wedding when I was 11 weeks I did have 2 glasses of champagne over the course of the day so I would fall into that statistic. I'm sure a lot of those women have had sips, or a glass of something at an occasion maybe so I can see how the statistic could skyrocket.
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Yeah it'd be useful for them to have given more details on that number. Whether they meant several times throughout pregnancy to regularly or if they meant if at all from day 1.
I didnt drink at all. Thought I'd be able to enjoy a few now but I'm too tired :D
Would be interesting to know what the class as drinking!! I had 1 white wine spriter (very weak) at 6months! Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
No alcohol at all - even though it's killing me LOL :lol:
So far I've abstained and I will continue to do so, also as I intend to breastfeed it could be a long while before I have a drink again!

Statisics like this annoy me as I bet this particular "result" was totally subjective to this programme?

The fact is there is no way you would be able to complete a totally unbiased statistical analysis on something as generic as this? I mean what are the variables? It is something that would need to be studied for years and years and have a huge pool of participants....

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I had a glass of champers at my wedding at 30 weeks but nothing else apart from alcohol free beer now and again (I craved beer early on!)
I've not drank or wanted to since before our bfp x
Last time I had a drink was haloween weekend... I got my bfp on the 18th dec, so I probably fell pregnant last time I had a drink... I havnt missed, sipped or even wanted a drink... Don't miss it at all...!
I'm the same not had one and I'm not bothered for one either. I've tried to find out some more statistics but there's nothing concrete though.
I don't even want to touch alcohol, I really don't feel like that statistic is accurate. Depending exactly how far along I am I might have had a few drinks not knowing I was pregnant on a night out, although if I'd have known I was I would never of had them.
I was never a big drinker anyway the last time I had a drink was a glass or two of wine on my birthday which was probably around the time I conceived lol
I had a glass of champagne on my wedding day if that counts other than that I still dont drink now 3 months on I have twice, tonight being one of them nights and only 2 glasses of wine.

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I'd be interested to see what they class as 'drinking'.
I had a glass of champagne on my 30th birthday and a few guiness's for iron but I would class that as drinking!
Do you know what. I think it just means that British women are more honest. I had a drink last weekend before I knew I was pregnant. I might have a sip of red if my inlaws have a really nice one but that is all.
So far I've abstained and I will continue to do so, also as I intend to breastfeed it could be a long while before I have a drink again!

Statisics like this annoy me as I bet this particular "result" was totally subjective to this programme?

The fact is there is no way you would be able to complete a totally unbiased statistical analysis on something as generic as this? I mean what are the variables? It is something that would need to be studied for years and years and have a huge pool of participants....


I personally think the result would be higher as I bet most women wouldn't tell the truth with there being such a taboo about drinking whilst pregnant!
I went out and got quite drunk 2 days after our 1st artificial insemination not even dreaming it would work first time :( but I don't dwell on it!

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