6 week scan


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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:shock: :shock: :shock:

really dont know what else to say at moment im terrified and crying really unsure of how i will cope christopher is only 13 months
im happy but scared to death
with all the shock i didnt ask for a photo but should be having another scan in about 4 weeks xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
:shock: ow my god rach i bet that was a surprise how you feeling very shocked i bet :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Wow congratulations!! Im sure you'll feel better once you get over the shock of it :hug: x
Rach!! :shock: and :hug:
That must have been a bit of a shock for you!

Congratulations though - I am sure when you have got over the shock you will be happy as larry (whoever he is :lol: )
wow, like others have said, once you get over the shock, you'll figure it out and be really happy. I have identical twin nieces and once you figure out a routine, it's actually not that bad (looked after them all the time when they were babies and still do and they're 4 now!) and as they get older, so cute, they are their own little buddy system.
What a shocker!! Twins are a blessing. Congratulations!
thanks everyone am still in complete shock apparently they both have their own sacs so they are not identical we seen both little hearts beating it was amazing :D xxxxxx
How exciting!
You will be fine - we were unsure about whether we were having twins, and so thought a lot about what the impact would be. It will be wonderful - and they will be really lucky to have a unique bond with their fellow twin.

I know it must seem really daunting now, but it will be wonderful.

It will be a fantastic experience - congrats!!!
Oh wow Rach; congratulations hun :cheer:

I am sure it will all be fine; I can imagine it was a real shock though :hug: :hug:
Congratulations hun! How exciting! :cheer:
I'm sure you'll cope just fine, must have been quite a shock though!
Take care,
Sarah xxx
awww i am so sure you'll cope with twins we are amasing us parents we get everything thrown at us and we some how cope so well :D good luck :D
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
congratulations :dance:
:rotfl: and you were moaning last week that you didnt have symptoms :rotfl:
:shock: WOW congrats!! :dance:

Hun you will be fine, I know its a such a shock, but you have been blessed with two LO and you will have a great time with them in your life! Enjoy! :dance:
:shock: OMG Rach - thats a right shocker! :shock: But congrats - its fab! :cheer: xx
AW twins, yay!! :D

Your bound to be shocked, its double what you thought you were having. I always wanted twins.

Congratulations!! :cheer:
WOW Rach - bet that was a bit of a shock - a wondeful shock though - CONGRATULATIONS!!! :cheer:

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