Scan Today

ah hun thanks for the text earlier. Hope your ok.

Just wanted to say to relax like the others have said and dont worry too much it will all be ok hun.

Here if you need to chat or on the phone anytime :hug: :hug:
jo , sorry i feel like ive been neglating u , have been trying to stay outta these forums. hope your ok chick , can only offer hugs :hug:
Thank you all soooo much, you have all given such lovely & thoughtful responses and I really really appreciate every word.

I am trying to stay positive and keep myself occupied but relax too, been sorting things for my holiday and looking forward to that.

I wil keep you informed xxxxx
Its natural to worry but try and stay relaxed for the sake of your LO and you...I am sure all will be well, sending big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi hun, so sorry your scan has made you even more worried but do try to stay as positive as possible! im sure everything will be fine and im sending you a huge big bag full of sticky baby dust lol. i hope the next two weeks flys by for you hun xxxxx
Dear Happy_chick :hug: :hug: :hug: I only just read your post, and I just want you to know that you are in my prayers (and in many others I know!). Sending lots of love your way...

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