6 month old naps?


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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Hi ladies

How many naps/ for how long does your baby sleep during the day, if they are around 6 months old?

In an effort to improve nighttime sleep, I've dropped Arthur's afternoon nap, which was only 20-30 mins. But he has 2 other naps during the day, and those only
Last for that short time as well.

thanks x
Hi ya Owen has about 3 naps from between 30 mins to an hour each and sleeps 6.30 pm to 6.30 am xx
hi - emma does 13 hours at night and 2 half hour naps, mid morning and afternoon and an hour at lunchtime, maybe more if we are out in the pram.

every 2 hours like clockwork!
Sounds like your having trouble like us Hopeful?!

Jack has 3-4 sometimes 5 short naps (30-40mins) during the day. He also goes to bed very late (sometimes midnight) and still wakes for a 3am feed!

From today, for the next few weeks we're going to be trying different things and different routines to get him to go to bed earlier.

Today we're trying to stretch out his awake time. He woke up at 8.05, had ready brek, got dressed & played until he fell asleep at 9.45am. He's still asleep now which is an hour later which i'm really pleased about because he's usually asleep within an hour of waking and will only have 20mins. I'm hoping that by 'making' him stay awake and stimulating/wearing him out in between his naps, he'll reduce the amount of naps but nap for longer (does that makes sense?). We've also decided that we're not going to let him nap after 6pm, that way he'll be worn out and *fingers crossed* will start his night sleep at 9-9.30pm. x
Alex generally has 2 naps in the day ranging from 10 mins to an hour. One around 11 and the other around 3. he generally goes to bed around 9 and we get up about 8 but we are up at least 3-4 times in the night to feed aswell.
I have to Be honest...I'm truly losing the will to live. I cannot continue like this. He wakes every 2 hours in the night, hv I saw today says he isnt teething, and I burst into tears in the supermarket because someone asked me to move a little too brusquely.

I thought maybe he was napping too Much, but I saw a girl today whose baby was born on he same day as mine and he has 3 naps a day, the lunchtime one lasting 2 hours.

I put A down about 2 hours after he wakes up as he's getting tired, he sleeps
For about 30 mins, then put him down around 2.5 hours after that and again 2.5 hours after that. Because he's aug a crappy
Night sleeper he may want to start his day anytime
Between 5:30 and 7.

I feel like I've tried everything, improving naps are just 1 of many :(

But from what you guys have said it seems that he should be sleeping longer during the day....
** for got to say that girls baby who was born on same day as
Mine sleeps through the night, 7-7
And he always goes to
Bed at same time after a bath and feed - 7 pm. Makes no differenceTo his nights what time He goes down.
Oh I'm don't know how you do it! On like the 3 nights were my LO hasn't slept through I have been such a grump the next day! I think they still need 15 hours sleep a day at this stage.
Was just thinking - is it too early for separation anxeity? And is he taking enough milk during the day?
After day 1 of Jack's new stricter routine and he slept 11 hrs!! He went down at 9.00, woke at midnight for a feed and was back in his cot in 10mins sleeping, then woke for a feed at 5am and I was thinking 'oh no he's going to think it's time to get up' but no within 10mins he was snoring in his cot again!! He then finally woke at 8am!!

Ideally i'd like him to wake at 7ish because then we can both be ready by 7.45am which is when I start work when I find kiddies to childmind. I want to get him into the habit now rather than rushing about for work in the morning.

I've actually written down his routine today and so far we've stuck to it, Jack wasn't too impressed about having to wait ages for his afternoon nap but he settled himself to sleep within 5mins and slept for an hour and a half so I defo know i'm being strict for his own good! It's only day 2 but it's working for us so far, we're off out for dinner at my best friends tommorow evening though so he may well have a bad night, i'm determined to stick to the times though!

Hopefulmummy is your LO weaning yet? If he is do you put him down for a nap before or after his food? I used to put Jack down before his food but since yesterday have put him down 15mins after he's finished and he sleeps alot better?! x
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THanks Claire. It's hard to Know what comes first, chicken or the egg! Ie heard improving nigy sleep
Will improve the naps and I've also heard the other way round!

At the moment we don't have any day routine really. I tend to make sure hes not overtired when I feed him though, as we're doing blw...

What schedule did you follow during the day?? :) x
Ok, we have a bit of a day routine, a good bedtime routine. Day times change so Much because he gets up anytime
Between 5:30 and 7:30! (more often Closer to the start of that scale!)
I only started Jack's strict routine on Thursday so 2 days ago.

He usually wakes at 8.00am so his routine is:

Wake at 8.00am
Nappy changed at 8.00am
Brekkie at 8.05am
Get dressed and play until 9.30am
Morning nap 9.30
Usually awake by 10.30am
Milk at 10.30 (he's a little and often baby with his milk and only has 3oz on average)
Nappy changed at 11am
Lunch at 12.00pm
Play until 1pm
Afternoon nap at 1pm
Usually awake by 3pm if not before
Milk at 3pm (again 3ish oz)
Dinner at 4.30pm
Power nap at 5pm
Usually awake by 6pm
Milk at 6.30pm (doesn't always want any)
Play until 8.00pm
Bath at 8.00pm
Milk at 8.30pm
Bed by 9.00pm.

Thats the routine we're working at, at the moment but obviously it'll change until we find a happy medium. Unfortunatly the little monkey decided it was bed time at 8.20 last night so woke up at 6am (after 2 night feeds). I've given him milk to tide him over until 8am when i'll give him brekkie but he'll be asleep by 8.30 instead of 9.30 so we'll have to see how the rest of the day goes x
See that's the hung with routines!! Little buggers love to do something different every day to mess it up!

Do you reckon if you stopped the Night feeds he'd take more during the day? I found when Arthur was takin little Nd often during the day, he'd wake up wanting to fed more...
I can't stop the night feeds, i've tried and he just wakes up 40mins later even hungrier! Or I run the risk of him waking up fully and staying awake for 2 hours, hence the midnight bedtime!!

He went back to bed at 7.20am this morning, woke at 8.40am and had brekkie at 9am. He's still awake now and just starting to get grizzly, i'm giving him lunch in a bit so that'll wake him up and then i'm putting him down for his afternoon nap. We should only be 30mins out on the routine which is good! x
I found the best way was to let my son sleep when he got tired then see if he had a pattern then try and keep them away from meal times at 6 months he was having his dinner at 1pm it took me a few months to rejig him to 12.

You just have to go with what baby wants sometimes x my son went to bed at 7:30pm and I didn't wake up till 9 am this morning and got him out at 9:20 x so he had no breakfast instead a bottle and two yogurts x
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Too true hun!

Jack managed to stay awake until 11.50 which is really good. Hopefully he'll sleep until atleast 1.30pm and then we're off visiting so who knows what'll happen for the rest of the day x

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