4th miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
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Don't know what to say! Disappointed and angry :(

Worse that my consultant told me that they won't do any further testing til i've had at least 5... Thanks for that lol. Fed up! Xxx
So very sorry hun, can't believe they said that to you, insensitive jerks, I hope with all my heart that next time you get a super sticky, still can't believe it, truly sorry hun :hug:
Oh no Lou, I'm gutted to see you in here, I'm so sorry. And sorry for the crap treatment from the consultant, that sucks. Enormous hugs xxx
Thanks girls. Im ok at the mo weirdly, randomly start crying but i feel pretty numb. I thought my hospital etc were really good until today.

She just said keep trying and the next one might be it. They wound me up more to be honest. She said 'it looks like just a period are you sure you were pregnant, did you do a test?' I was like yeah i did 4! They just made me feel like id imagined everything xxx
Thanks girls. Im ok at the mo weirdly, randomly start crying but i feel pretty numb. I thought my hospital etc were really good until today.

She just said keep trying and the next one might be it. They wound me up more to be honest. She said 'it looks like just a period are you sure you were pregnant, did you do a test?' I was like yeah i did 4! They just made me feel like id imagined everything xxx

What a bitch.

She is a recurrent miscarriage consultant right? Specialising in this? I'd be thinking about reporting her to be honest.

If you are under the care of a recurrent miscarriage clinic then what she has said to you is madness.

What tests have you had? Is there any way you would consider going private for further testing?

Sorry for all the questions, its just sometimes having "a plan" helps?

I said on the other thread Lou but I am sorry.

It's no help right now but there are 5th time mummy's on here.

It can happen, but right now you need to grieve and get through this

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Aw Lou I am so sorry for your loss xx she is a right Bitch xx really hope you get a super sticky bean next time sweetie xxx :hug:
Awww i love this forum, thank you all :)

I've had all the clotting etc. my last mc before this was the end june last year, they took bloods for chromosone testing but when i went for results she said on the day i had bloods taken the rules changed and they don't do that anymore. ANd today she said they don't do it but if they can the baby then they test it... But i took the baby in with me last time and they didnt test it just took the bloods.

I think shes a gynae consultant but not 100%. I looked into it before but it looked like it was going to cost 1000's. I do have a feeling that it could be chromosonal she did say that with them being early it is more likely to be than if they were later mcs.

She really was a bitch. Really cold. Her secretary messed up my app so made it look like i was late so dont know if that was why. Xxx
Urgh, you poor thing, I'm sorry that you've had crap care on top of everything else :-(
Lou I wish I had some thing 2 day which could make u feel better , I'm so upset 4 u and its so unfair I'm just so sorry 4 u and hubby sending u big hugs and kisses , always here 4 u hun x
She sounds horrible Lou.

Not sure if it is worth asking to be re-referred? If there is another hospital you can go to.

I have had all the testing and I didn't have to provide the baby? It was all done via blood tests, they also blood tested my OH as well.

I was however told that the vast majority of recurrent miscarriages remain "no reason" - the figure I was quoted was 70% :shock: :shock:

My hospital were actually quite good with me and when I got my results I was 4 weeks pregnant with James, they said if I went on to have another loss I was legible for a hysteroscopy - which provides a really in-depth look at the womb. I'd had about 15 internals with my miscarriages though so they'd already seen a lot of my womb but this is something they do for women that suffer recurrent losses.

Here's some info http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Hysteroscopy/Pages/Introduction.aspx

It may be worth pushing for this? Maybe try to do things via your GP if you find the consultant unhelpful.
I know it's the last thing you can think of right now but it's just an idea for when you feel a bit better.

You have been treated horribly, you have been referred for recurrent losses and for the consultant behave as she has is disgusting.

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She did mention the in depth scan but again because i've had a lot of internals they think it's fine.

Thank you hun i really appreciate your advice. I think i'll book an app with my GP when i'm feeling a bit better because she is lovely and might be able to do more. Its pathetic that how nice your doctor or consultant is depends what service you get xxx
The disparity about the service you get is astounding, I am so pissed off for you though Lou.

What you need is sympathy and someone that wants to help, not someone questioning you.

You've had several losses, of course you knew you were pregnant. Dumb ass Dr woman.

BUT the important thing now is to look after yourself.

I know some hospitals offer trials for recurrent miscarriage, I haven't read that much about it but it may be another option?

Take Care Lou

So sorry for your loss! You are entitled to further investigation after 3 MC on the NHS. Take time just now then if you are ready I would go push for the investigations.
I'm so sorry this happened to you again :( and it doesn't help having an unsympathetic consultant/doctor - I know I've been there! It really is luck of the drawer regarding medical professionals. Lots of love to you hun xx

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