really really annoyed


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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i had my appointment today with the consultant at the recurrent m/c clinic, what a bloody waste of time, i really dont know why i wasted my time going, dh was also told that he had to be there, but they didnt even look at him.

I was given no answers or further testing, over the past few years i have had very little testing, me and dh have had genetic compatability testing and i have had blood clotting testing done but thats it appart from genetic testing on some of the losses, all these were normal which i knew before i went, i just dont know why they gave us the appointment as we left there no further forward i dont know what the indications are to have hormone testing but i havent even had this done, i am going to call round some private clinics tomorrow the nhs are bloody useless.

sorry i just had to have this rant
aww hun, sorry you have been let down.

hopefuly if you do go down the private route you can get the answers you need, and get a step closer to your goal.

:hug: :hug:
I am sorry to hear this. It's really upsetting, bloody NHS :wall:
How terrible, I can imagine that after recurrent miscarriages, the only light shining is that you get them to investigate... and when you come away with nothing you must feel so desperate. Is there any chance you can see someone else?
Hi babydust,

Can i start by giving you a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am so sorry that you have been treated in such an awful way and they should be more sympathetic to what you have gone through. I would strongly advise you to speak to your GP and ask for a second opinion as you want and deserve answers. If need be look at different hospitals im not sure if you can choose from this April or next about where you get treatment but they should do something for you.

Take care
Kathy x
hi hun
Am sorry to hear your having a bad time, i had my first appointment for tests in feb and they took several viles of blood and told me what possibilities there could be. although it was the miscarriage nurse that told me i still havent seen my consultant.
I am due to see my consultant in april (and because i happen to work on gyneacology he happens to see me every day so its a bit embarrasing)
I have had to wait 2 months for this follow up appointment (even working for the nhs you dont get preferential treatment)
I understand the frustration that you can get am feeling a touch of it my self but my hospital doesnt seem as bad as yours,

I do know that even now you can choose which hospital you want to go to and i wuld reccommend a trust run hospital (there better with there targets)

And my D/H wasnt questioned at all either which made me feel that the miscarrages where all my fault but someone told me they test the woman first and then look to the man

I would ring for another appointment with the consultant or the miscarriage nurse she will probably be better to speak to abou tquestions and the next step

hope you get everything sorted out

Pam xx :hug: :hug: :hug:
p.s make an appointment for when your on your perriod my misscarriage nures got awfully excited when she found out i was on and got extra viles out so i think she could test for more while i was on
thanks everyone :hug:

i cant find any private clinic near me that deals with recurrent loss its mostly ivf clinics so i am going to make an appointment with my gp for next week as i am not happy at all, god, i havent even had hormone testing done so why can they say there is no reason :x to top it all off i called the hospital again as they were chasing up to see if they did send tissue from my last d&c for genetic testing, turns out it wasnt sent :twisted: :evil: :( even though i asked before i was taken down to theatre and also when i was on the theatre table just to make sure it was done :( i really dont want to drag this out any more but i am going to put a complaint in, you never know there might have been something found and i really wanted to know what sex it was to see if i need to look into the sex chromosome thing. they just dont seem to give a fu*k

oh i forgot to say when i arrived for my appointment they had a buzzer system on the door and i pressed it and said i had an appointment i was then asked how many weeks i was :( i said i wasnt pregnant and she said well what clinic is it you are looking for :shock: so i had to shout through the intercom that it was the recurrent m/c clinic for everyone to hear :( :( :(
hey hun
am sorry your having such a terrible time, go back to your gp and asked to be refered to a different miscarriage clinic.
also I know this is no conserlation but i rang and asked one of the nurses i work with abou thtis and she said when the "products" (very good at words arnt they) are removed during surgery they are "usually" held for 28 days why i dont know then they "Should" be sent of. that is our hospital policy you can ask to see any policey you wish to involving your situation
since you are haing this terrible time go and talk to pals in the hospital they are there to help you with issues like this tey also will help you make complaintts and or see the policies you need to

thinking of you
Pam x

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