4th miscarriage

I am so incredibly sad to read this and that consultant sounds awful. I would definitely ask to see someone else and ask if there are other tests investigations you can have, its awful to make people wait for additional testing after a 5th miscarriage. Do they think we are machines, its heart-breaking to go through once, nevermind more! Thinking of you lovely xx
Thank you all.

I was thinking btw & when i was searching for the private chromosone tests, i saw that they did them at that hospital ... Even though its an nhs hosp so they probably have that as their procedure to get more business for the private part xxx
I think its not done at all on NHS anymore, I had the same thing when I got the paperwork for my RMC appointment. Apparently its very expensive and they only do it if there is a known issue in either partners family. I did get mine done in the end though as the hospital lost what they were testing from the erpc, I only had a sac growing so they weren't sure how conclusive the results would be anyway but I demanded they do the karyotype tests as we would have no results from the testing considering they had made such a big blunder.
I think karyotype costs around £750 at my clinic, it is a lot of money, I do think they should do it routinely really, not fair to leave people worrying xx
Yeah i remember that hun, idiots!

If it was £750 all in i'd be tempted to be honest, will have to have a chat with the hubby! Haha xxx
I think it was £750 for the karyotype alone :shock: Not 100% sure though. I am in London though and the prices tend to be more xx
Hi Lou,
So sorry for your loss- big hugs from someone who's been there too. I would definitely ask your gp to refer you to a regional specialist centre. If you go on the miscarriage association website and look for the clinical trials - tablet, promise(+ a third that's just starting), they list all the hospitals taking part in the study. Your gp can refer you direct. I had a horrible experience at my local hospital, I'm now with Liverpool women's and they have been truly lovely. Also, next time I'm pg, I'll get extra scans, and if the worst happens, the clinic there has the top of the range testing kit.
This is too important to be put off by one obnoxious know it all gynae - push for someone better.
Thank you hun that'a really helpful. Sometimes it 's hard to know what to ask for.

That trial is nowhere near me at the moment. They offered me the weekly reassurance scans but that relies on a healthy pregnancy :( xxx
Oh my goodness I am so sorry Lou I have just seen this.
I hope you're doing okay and you find a doctor/specialist that is less of a cowbag than the one you've had to deal with! xx

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