Lulu, don't worry you will stretch to accomodate, he will have room, not saying it will be comfy at the end tho , it never is

at least your going to be induced a good few weeks early , that will save some last minute growth of tum!)
Lovely basketballs, dinosaur egg, beech ball and I'm having a bowling ball
Heres my 27 week ( first trimester three bump shot ) bowling ball
( my pics always show like im laying down but im not im standing infront of fridge!!)
Sugar my bump is so high, i'm not needing maternity jeans/leggings etc yet, really odd, always have needed them!!
Eeeek 12 weeks today till section at 39 plus 1
Mummybee- your just a day behind me and your tiddley!! I think your the same shape as me just much much smaller!