3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

i was thinking the same thing actually. i thought... oh i wonder if shes having a girl

i was fat around the edges before so im not sure about my bump theory lol. everyone reckons im having a boy.

i predict one of us will have a boy and the other one will have a girl.
im having a san tomorrow and im so excited to knowim almost considering asking if they can see but i wont cos i relly am enjoying the speculation

although i had a dream last night that i had a little girl and called her Melody
Oh I wouldn't find out now- defeats all the planning of the last 8 months haha
oh no i wouldnt but im just wanting to know now lol
10 weeks left! Woop!


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I don't know haha - everyone thinks I'm having a boy - so I naturally think it will be a girl because of this haha

I'm not very sceptical when it comes to the whole old wives tales stuff - it's probably my eating habits :lol:

I've got a boy bump but know I'm having a girl. But I had a boy bump with my son and a definite girl bump round the sides with my daughter. Not sure what to believe any more!

My 32 week bump!! Haha how much of a machine is Gwen Stefani - she is ready to pop too!!
Actually I don't seem to have grown much at all in 2 weeks....

First pic 34+4 and second pic today at 36+3

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