3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!




Karlie xxx
I feel a bit smaller, but I know he's gone lower and grown a bit as I have a lovely new stretch mark! Grrrrrrr!

Karlie xxx
Lovely bump Karlie xx

Thanks Hun! Your bump is nice and neat! Love it! Love the pic of the one with the dog in the background..... He or she? Is probably lying there thinking 'oh god another bump picture' lol! My dog tries to photo bomb my bump pictures he actually gets that jealous the pics aren't of him! Ha ha!
What breed of is he or she?

Karlie xxx
Lovely bump Karlie xx

Thanks Hun! Your bump is nice and neat! Love it! Love the pic of the one with the dog in the background..... He or she? Is probably lying there thinking 'oh god another bump picture' lol! My dog tries to photo bomb my bump pictures he actually gets that jealous the pics aren't of him! Ha ha!
What breed of is he or she?

Karlie xxx

Thanks hun xxx funny that Dog is actually called Karli.. lol she's a northern Inuit. .. I have 5 dogs in total and yeah they do like having their photos taken xx
Thanks hun xxx funny that Dog is actually called Karli.. lol she's a northern Inuit. .. I have 5 dogs in total and yeah they do like having their photos taken xx

Lol!!! No way! Haha, that's made my day! Simple things hey! :)
My cousin has a northern Inuit to! You don't see many of them about at all! Looks like your Karli but with slightly longer hair!
Are all you dogs Inuits or do you have different breeds? I wish we had a bigger house :( I'd love to get more dogs! I get more broody over puppies than babies sometimes haha! :)

Karlie xxx
Thanks hun xxx funny that Dog is actually called Karli.. lol she's a northern Inuit. .. I have 5 dogs in total and yeah they do like having their photos taken xx

Lol!!! No way! Haha, that's made my day! Simple things hey! :)
My cousin has a northern Inuit to! You don't see many of them about at all! Looks like your Karli but with slightly longer hair!
Are all you dogs Inuits or do you have different breeds? I wish we had a bigger house :( I'd love to get more dogs! I get more broody over puppies than babies sometimes haha! :)

Karlie xxx

I've got 3 nitwits.. sorry inuits and 2 sharpei x german shepherds xx Small world your cousin has one too... they're not the most common breed xx yeah i did get quite puppy broody lol hence 5 dogs haha xx
Lol! Nitwits! They're gorgeous dogs! Very obedient and faithful to arent they! We thought of getting one, But I'm not one for exercise and hubby wasn't at the time when we got our hound so we got a bernese mountain dog ..... I can just stroll along at a nice leisurely pace with him haha! :D

How old are they? My cousins is 4ish maybe 5? in October?!

Karlie xxx
Bernese are beautiful and HOOGE xx

We have Cyber (Sharpei x GSD) aged 6, Gaia (nitwit) aged 4, Karli (nitwit) aged 2, Apollo (nitwit) 14 mths, Khione (sharpei x gsd) 12 mths xx
Lovely bumps girls! :D

At first glance I actually thought the dog was a rug!! Haha xxx

Tapatalking. X
Bernese are beautiful and HOOGE xx

We have Cyber (Sharpei x GSD) aged 6, Gaia (nitwit) aged 4, Karli (nitwit) aged 2, Apollo (nitwit) 14 mths, Khione (sharpei x gsd) 12 mths xx

He certainly is huge..... He's fat! Ha ha! He's on a diet at the mo poor thing, but its better for him and his joints and health in the long run!

What do your sharpei x gsd look like? I googled them and there's like a million different versions of them lol!

Karlie xxx
Its that time of week again!

Picture tiiiimmeeee !!!


Hurry up now matey, im ready!!!
Thanks hun!

H&M!! £14.99 got a few with diff patterns. And they r not maternity YAY so FX still look alright on after baby lol xx
WOW! Amazing bump babyslog!!

He's gunna rip you to pieces haha... sorry couldn't resist! Lets hope he doesnt have much longer before hes out :) xxx
Hahahahaaa thanks ruth!
Nothing new, my OH keeps saying Noah will rip me a new arsehole! :shock: luuuuvly!

Ha! Hopefully not much longer now girlys! Xx

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