3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Lovely bumps!
Mine has stretch marks too :( since 32 wks :( xx

Tapatalking. X

Think I got mine about 2 or 3 weeks ago now n they are quickly getting worse. So ill be covered by 40 weeks! Xx
Baby slog ur bump is so cute!

Here's my first tri 3 pic at 29+1

I can't wait to be 35 weeks that's the next mile stone :) your bumps so cute aswell
Spinsugar thats an awesome bump! And so slim elsewhere... I hate you haha xxx
Uve defo dropped a bit bek!!! :D xxxx

I know lol :D wish it meant that She was coming soon! Lol but definitely feel lower, bump is empty at the top most of the time ....until she stretches her legs up to my ribs! Haha lil' bugger! :)

Tapatalking. X
29+5 :) I really don't know if its growing..uploadfromtaptalk1369757864991.jpg

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Ah thanks. Still feeling small for 29 weeks xx

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Took these yday! At 35+3 I think? Sometimes I even forget what week I am never mind day! Lol!!

Karlie xxx
Thanks Kelly :)

Lol dani! :) I said to Karl yday 'omg! I'm a lot bigger than I thought!' He burst out laughing an asked me if I was serious? Lol! I honestly didnt think i was as big as i am! ha ha! he's gone lower, but not engaged! When he hiccups i can feel his head bobbing in my hip lol! Should he be engaged yet? :0/ is Noah?

Karlie xxx
Noah has been since 30wks, was quite low at my scan at 32wks aswell they struggled to look at all his brain cos of how low he was!!
Not sure if u should be engaged at this stage as they move so bloofy often. But if his hiccups are low thats a good thing! :) he heading in the right direction haha!
Noahs hiccups are the same like my foof had a HB hahahaa! Xx
He's been head down since 32 weeks or before? Lol! I never feel him kick me in my ribs so I'm kinda worried he's lying across as I feel him kicking and shoving both my hips! So he's either got long limbs or lying across? Ha ha! I've got a scan on Monday to check my placenta so I'm sure they'll tell me how he's lying and how much of a chunk he is! Ha ha

Karlie xxx

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