3rd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Omg that's a bump !! I think I might be small lol

haha, yes it was a corker. She was 8lb and 11oz, which is big for me. dd1 was 7lb 2oz and dd2 was 7lb 11oz, so quiet a jump. god help me this time. i already have a good bump and only 14 weeks xxhahahaha
Lucky lady indeed!

My hips and thighs are been hit with a few stretch marks :( xx
I have stretch marks from my first I'm just waiting for more to come .. No new ones yet but it will happen
Not popped into this section for a while and wow! You've all grown so much! Make the most of those scrumptious bumps ladies because I miss mine so much already! Xxx

Tapatalking so can't see sigs or click thanks!
40+5 and really starting to ache now!!!! Excuse the dodgy Vicki Pollard outfit!!!! Struggling to get comfy in anything at all!!!

I'm loving all of these beautiful bumps!

Havn't posted a pic before and wish I'd taken more throughout my pregnancy. But, went to work today and was told that I looked huge, so sneaked into the loos (as you do) and took a pic! :eh:

Baby is usually high, but looks a little lower today..

I'm loving all of these beautiful bumps!

Havn't posted a pic before and wish I'd taken more throughout my pregnancy. But, went to work today and was told that I looked huge, so sneaked into the loos (as you do) and took a pic! :eh:

Baby is usually high, but looks a little lower today..


Lush Bump!!!! :D xxx
Ah thanks girlys! I feel really big, and mega uncomfortable! xx
Won't be too long now though.. Almost 3 weeks till you're fully cooked :yay:

Lovely bumps ladies! Xxx

Here is mine at 32+5. I feel like I never look as big in pictures as I do when I look in the mirror!xxx


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