3rd time labours


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

Just wondered if anyone has any stories on 3rd labours? How did they compare to your first two? Babies were they early or late?
My DS was induced (41 +1)as I failed to progress, ended up having an epidural, and ventouse delivery.
18.5 months later....DD arrived quickly(40 +1), within 30 mins of getting to hospital.
There will be around 20 months between DD and this baby and I'm wondering whether because my body has done this twice before and not so long ago it could happen quickly. I am 40 mins drive away from the hospital and I'm considering a home birth!

Thank you for reading :)
I'm on my second pregnancy so can't help much but it does sound like a home birth could be a good option for you.
Following as I'm on my third too and would be interested to know.
DS labour was 29hrs 37 mins, foetal distress, episiotomy and forcep delivery.
DD was 7 hours 52 minutes and born within 20 minutes of arriving on labour ward.
I've been advised against a home birth because of previous birth weights of 9lb 1oz and 9lb 2oz.
Both my sis and 2 of my SIL have had very similar experiences (all have 3 kiddies each as well)

All had a very long first labours - all required some kind of intervention [suction / forceps] Sister actually delivered in surgery as she was that close to a section.

All had much better second labours - shorter, much more natural, no complications

All 3 had very quick 3rd labours, baby's all arrived very, very quickly.

It's not a "rule" of course but this is just my tuppence worth.

MIL has had 6 kids, God knows how quick they fly out when you get to that point :lol:

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I really hope so. Scarlett was back to back until actual delivery when she turned so her labour felt like forever even though it was much quicker. And Nat I plan to never find out how fast they fly out when you get to 6 lol xxx
Following as I'm on my third too and would be interested to know.
DS labour was 29hrs 37 mins, foetal distress, episiotomy and forcep delivery.
DD was 7 hours 52 minutes and born within 20 minutes of arriving on labour ward.
I've been advised against a home birth because of previous birth weights of 9lb 1oz and 9lb 2oz.

Unless you are a really small person or you have GD those weights shouldn't really be a problem and are no reason not to try for a home birth. To be honest it sounds more like you spoke to a doctor/MW who will always find a 'reason' you shouldn't have a HB. I was 9bls 7 oz and born at home. LO was 9bls 5oz and born at home. Of course DS having gone into distress in your first labour could be a reason to be careful but it sounds like you had no problems in your second labour. It is not uncommon for the baby to become distressed because of factors like the use of drugs (for pain or to speed up labour) or the mothers movement being too restricted, problems that are much less likely to come up at home. Of course MWs will monitor you carefully and if baby's hearbeat shows any sign of not being unhappy or if labour is slow you can be transfered to hospital. Of course that is not to say you should have a HB but if it is something you want then I wouldn't discount it too quickly.
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Well here's my long story lol. First 6lb 13 & was water birth in hospital (wish I'd had a homebirth with my now wonderful friend and independent midwife!) 2nd was then a homebirth and over 9lb and third at home as well and only 7lb 12. So very different weights! And in terms of third ones labour. I'd say for 3 weeks leading up to the birth I had quite a few moments of thinking I was in labour!!! So messed about quite a bit. Then finally day before due date I had a show and possibly niggles (can't quite remember all the details) but it was enough for me to pack up the kids and dog. I told OH to go to work and stop annoying me lol (wasn't certain all was happening and he works literally up the road) then I took kids to my mum's. On way home I stopped and my midwives who examined me and said yep we'd have baby today and gave me a good sweep lol. I don't like being told at the time how many cm I am because I found it soul destroying. I went home bounced on ball etc and carried on. I was having a boiler fitted so house full lol. Think my midwife popping in in afternoon with my gas and air and dropped a few bits off and checked me again. And then said 'right ok I'll go home and get the rest' so must have been progressing. Husband was home about 2 and I was having contractions. But I was still fine. Must have started gas and air about 4/4.30 & midwife came back. We were upstairs all having a giggle and tea and toast. And all I'd say about this labour was that it didn't start like the rest as in gradually getting more painful and closer together. They were quite ouchy all the way through but short and did eventually get closer and step up. But by this time I remember think oh Shit I don't think I'm far off pushing lol. Anyway I shouted bye to plumbers at 5ish and we just carried on upstairs. And midwife said if u haven't delivered by 7.30/8 I'll check you but baby arrived by 7.25pm. And we were sat having our Chinese in bed at 9 with our new bundle lol xxx
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Thank you everyone for your stories :) I really enjoy reading them :) its very strange to be advised not to have a home birth because previous babys were big. Mine were 8lbs 14 and 9lbs 7 but the midwifes are very encouraging regarding a home birth. I am very small too, 5'1 and even now only just weigh 9 stone. I like hearing the stories of fairly quick 3rd time labours, I keep thinking to myself it cant be as easy as last time! I dont think I will ever get to see how fast number 6 would be!
HL28, Its nice to hear that 3rd babies are not neccessarily bigger than 2nd :)
With regards to if I had been going for a hospital not a home birth I'm not sure at what point I'd have thought I better go in! Lol. And we have a good 30 mins drive. I have had really fab homebirth experiences. I'd plan for one if I was you. Especially as you've had your three all so close maybe. You'll have all you need at home and all the equipment so it's safer than delivering in the car on the way lol! What I'd heard about third labours was they could mess around starting and stopping but when they're ready they can come quick xxx
Hi there, just noticed this thread and thought you might be interested to hear about my third baby who weighed 9lb 12oz!!
My waters broke at home at 6am and I was in hospital holding her at 6.31am! I went on to have a fourth daughter too but non so easy or quick as my third xx
Oh Wow Julies4gems, that's a fantastically quick labour! Did you have any warning signs and were your 2nd and third labours close together? Thanks for your story, really interesting to hear :)
Hi there, just noticed this thread and thought you might be interested to hear about my third baby who weighed 9lb 12oz!!
My waters broke at home at 6am and I was in hospital holding her at 6.31am! I went on to have a fourth daughter too but non so easy or quick as my third xx

Its nice to have a quick labour but being that short must have been a bit of a shock!
Hi ladies I am on baby number 3 too and I am hoping for a quick home birth! All my labours have been fairly quick, my first being 9 hours and my second being 4-5 hours. My second would have been quicker apparently if he had been facing the right way!

I had my two children in the same birthing centre and in the same birthing pool! I am hoping for a home birth this time if I can get my hands on a birthing pool!
Hi Ladies,

Well now my third baby has arrived I can now update on what actually happened!

My waters broke at 11.20pm on 5th January, I wasn't having any contractions at this point! Phoned the hospital about 2 hours after my waters broke (I was hoping things would start to progress a bit). Was advised to come in to be checked out. When I arrived I explain that my 2nd labour was very fast and not very painful until the end. Eventually I convinced them to examine me to be told I was only 2cm (which was fine as I wasn't in any pain at this point!) I still had lots of waters coming and when the midwife checked to see if they were clear they were a yellowish slight greenish colour indicating there was meconium in them. Was admitted at this point which was around 4am on 6th Jan. Was told if my contractions didn't step up I would need to be induced by drip to get the baby out as soon as possible. The drip was started at 6am....It took until 9am for me to have proper contractions(2 to 3 in 10 mins)....a few hours on I was examined and in absolute agony I was only 4cm!!! At this point I asked for an epidural as knew I had a long road ahead! Baby was being constantly monitored and was showing signs of distress on and off. They did a procedure where they take blood from the babys head, the first time this showed all was fine. They repeated this an hour later and couldn't get a reading despite several attempts! As the baby was still showing signs of distress the doctors decided that I needed an emergency c section ( Totally not what I expected after two natural births!!) So at 5cm dilated I was rushed to theatre and my little girl Hope was born at 1.51pm weighing 7lbs 12oz - my smallest baby.

So what can I say, I'd heard a lot of stories about 3rd time labours being tricky - I never would have imagined that it would have been as tricky as it was. So it doesn't always get quicker and every labour is completely different, I'd say my 3rd labour was a lot more like my first, only worse! I am still trying to get my head around having to have the emergency section and completely not the labour I was expecting.

The main thing is my little girl arrived safely, she was absolutely fine when she came out and she is perfect :)

2011 Nov -Jack born 41+1 weighing 8lbs 14oz (Waters broke, no contractions, induced by drip, long labour , epidural ventouse delivery)
2013 May- Grace born 40+1 weighing 9lbs 7oz (Regular contractions, Waters broke, natural delivery 30 mins after arriving at hospital)
2015 Jan - Hope born 40 + 2 weighing 7lbs 12oz ( emergency c sections at 5cm dilated, induced due to meconium in waters)
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Oh Nat you poor thing, but the main thing is lo is here and safe, so congratulations!!

Im also on my third, lets see what happens xx
Thanks Colourmeblue. I can't tell you how many times midwives etc told me that 3rd babies can be tricky! Although it looks like some ladies do have quicker and better 3rd labours so it is just luck I think.
Best of luck with baby number 3, lets hope you are one of the lucky ones :)
Congratulations on the birth of Hope hun!!..... Sorry it was such a tricky labour and ended if c section but so pleased your little girl is fine!!

Wishing u a speedy recovery xxx
Congratulations on your litlle bundle! Sorry you didn't have an easy time of it. Hope recovery is quick.
My third labour was exactly 31 minutes long in its entirety! Honestly, I am not fibbing. My waters broke at home at 6am and my baby girl was born in hospital at 6.31am. Most of my labour was in the car and I had no pain relief whatsoever! Baby weighed 9lb12oz and I couldn't have been happier! Xx

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