Hi Ladies,
Well now my third baby has arrived I can now update on what actually happened!
My waters broke at 11.20pm on 5th January, I wasn't having any contractions at this point! Phoned the hospital about 2 hours after my waters broke (I was hoping things would start to progress a bit). Was advised to come in to be checked out. When I arrived I explain that my 2nd labour was very fast and not very painful until the end. Eventually I convinced them to examine me to be told I was only 2cm (which was fine as I wasn't in any pain at this point!) I still had lots of waters coming and when the midwife checked to see if they were clear they were a yellowish slight greenish colour indicating there was meconium in them. Was admitted at this point which was around 4am on 6th Jan. Was told if my contractions didn't step up I would need to be induced by drip to get the baby out as soon as possible. The drip was started at 6am....It took until 9am for me to have proper contractions(2 to 3 in 10 mins)....a few hours on I was examined and in absolute agony I was only 4cm!!! At this point I asked for an epidural as knew I had a long road ahead! Baby was being constantly monitored and was showing signs of distress on and off. They did a procedure where they take blood from the babys head, the first time this showed all was fine. They repeated this an hour later and couldn't get a reading despite several attempts! As the baby was still showing signs of distress the doctors decided that I needed an emergency c section ( Totally not what I expected after two natural births!!) So at 5cm dilated I was rushed to theatre and my little girl Hope was born at 1.51pm weighing 7lbs 12oz - my smallest baby.
So what can I say, I'd heard a lot of stories about 3rd time labours being tricky - I never would have imagined that it would have been as tricky as it was. So it doesn't always get quicker and every labour is completely different, I'd say my 3rd labour was a lot more like my first, only worse! I am still trying to get my head around having to have the emergency section and completely not the labour I was expecting.
The main thing is my little girl arrived safely, she was absolutely fine when she came out and she is perfect
2011 Nov -Jack born 41+1 weighing 8lbs 14oz (Waters broke, no contractions, induced by drip, long labour , epidural ventouse delivery)
2013 May- Grace born 40+1 weighing 9lbs 7oz (Regular contractions, Waters broke, natural delivery 30 mins after arriving at hospital)
2015 Jan - Hope born 40 + 2 weighing 7lbs 12oz ( emergency c sections at 5cm dilated, induced due to meconium in waters)