39 weeks - feel sick, shaky, hot flushes & loose stools


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
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Help, im 39 weeks tomorrow. I'm home alone... I went to leave to go a walk and i feel like im going to faint. I feel really hot and shaky. Ive been in the toilet about 4 times today with loose stools ( sorry TMI ) ive drank and ate plenty.

Any ideas what my body is upto
Loose stools is a sign of pending labour, your body may just be preparing itself to start labour x
Call labour ward for advice maybe? Or ambulance if you keep feeling faint and you're on your own...
Oh really hope youre okay! Get plenry of rest and fluids and try and get someone to be with you just incase x
Thanks everyone feel much better now. Not sure what came
Over me earlier but i panicked xx
I'm not surprised, are you feeling better now? X
Yeh i feel fine. I think it was the loose stools that made me feel that way. Hows u? X
Oh I'm glad you are feeling better, loose stools is a sign though :) not long until your due date :)
I am good Thankyou, on official countdown until babies are here x
How long do u have left? Have u had any twinges? X
I'm not technically due until 13th sept, having a section on the 23rd August though. I have had the odd twinge and braxton hicks but I tend to just get a lot of pressure etc down below

Have you had any twinges? X
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