So moody - irritable - uncomfortable - hot - emotional


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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I had a mad cleaning rush today - ive pulled all the muscles in my tummy and back.

I feel like cryin my eyes out.

Im sooooo hot - like actually sweating - but oh is cold so heating is up and im not aloud the fan on - i swear im faint its soo hot.

My baby is in one awkward position - shes hurting me.

AND to top it all off ive had a horrible horrible day thinkin about baby being still born :(

What is wrong with me i actually feel like im going insane :cry:

Sorry to hear your feeling so bad :hug:

I been on a cleaning/DIY frenzy too for weeks now, i am starting to drive myself crazy bordering OCD!
And I know what you mean about worrying about whether Lo is ok and healthy, its so hard to stay positive

But just think 6 more weeks or maybe even less and LO will be here and it will all be worth while
- well thats what keeps me going anyway.

My advice is have a nice hot bubble bath ( while you still can!) and get a good nights sleep and maybe all will look a little better in the morn. :hug:
Aw chick I know how you feel, I've been a right moody cow to Sam & Soph and I feel so guilty about it, but I just blame my hormones and how shit I'm feeling, still no excuse though I suppose.

Try not to worry yourself about things, as hard as it is. :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I hope you are feeling better today!!!

I am the same as you all too! I cant stop cleaning and making sure everything is ok!!! (Apart from my hospital bag yet to do)

I feel like baby keeps not moving for some reason and worrying myself to death till I feel something!! I think you need to do as bubbalou said and have a nice relaxing bath!! and just take a day for yourself, like today just sit down and dont do anything its not good keep over doing it hun

:hug: :hug:

Oh hun I can sympathise completely - the last few weeks of pregnancy are really not much fun............I hate to say it but the last 2-3 weeks are even worse, all I can say is it all disappears the minute your LO is more aches, pains, heartburn etc! You just have to get used to some serious sleep deprivation then, which nothing can prepare you for, so rest and relax as much as you can - I used to have 2 baths a day to relieve the aches and pains :D

Hope you feel better soon and only a few more weeks left for you now :hug: :hug: :hug:

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