39 Week Hospital Appointment! Wasn't Expecting..


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2011
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...a membrane sweep! Doctor wasn't able to do it though cos my cervix is still too far back...but I wasn't even expecting an attempt though!

So am booked in for one next week on my EDD if I don't go before then. Plus they're only gona let me go 8 days overdue and cos I'm not keen on induction due to risk of uterine rupture due to previous c-section....I've been booked in for an elective c-section on 3rd August! So I might not be a July Mummy now!

OMG I'm so stressed out over it all...in one way I don't wana have a c-section but then I don't know how sore labour is gona be...so I don't know what I want to happen! :brat:

Why can't I fart LO out! Why do things have to hurt! x
Hi BabysMomma!

I had a sweep today too! I asked my midwife last week when the earliest sweep could happen and she offered to assess me today at 39 weeks.
She did it and I am 1.5cm dilated and 25% effaced. Baby went ape shit when she touched its little head! Had mild period pains all day since and tightening right across the middle of my bump, but not expecting anything to happen. I have another appointment next Tuesday and I'm hoping to have another one then.

So are you opting for the C-section at 8 days over rather than the drip style induction? It's all so exciting now! Not long to wait at all now! I wonder if we'll both go on our due date! :)

good luck hun! mw will give me my sweep at 40week appt on Monday, hoping I POP before then, and im booked in for induction on 3rd Aug :'( I don't want to b an august mummy either, makes me feel miserable n doomed, don't think my lil one is ever going to come out :'(
You guys are lucky! At my last MW appt 2 weeks ago, I was told that they only offer sweeps to first time mums at 40 weeks :( So, I have to wait until I'm 41 weeks, assuming I haven't had him by then, that's rubbish, lol, i'll be pulling my hair out!!
My MW is an old school friend of mine though, so she's told me to ring up when I'm 40 weeks (tomorrow) and say I'm really uncomfortable etc etc, and all but beg her to do it, so that might be worth a try?! Seems a bit cheeky, but I just want him here now, have never wished to be in pain so much before, haha!!
Hope you girls are okay?
Hi BabysMomma!

I had a sweep today too! I asked my midwife last week when the earliest sweep could happen and she offered to assess me today at 39 weeks.
She did it and I am 1.5cm dilated and 25% effaced. Baby went ape shit when she touched its little head! Had mild period pains all day since and tightening right across the middle of my bump, but not expecting anything to happen. I have another appointment next Tuesday and I'm hoping to have another one then.

So are you opting for the C-section at 8 days over rather than the drip style induction? It's all so exciting now! Not long to wait at all now! I wonder if we'll both go on our due date! :)


Hey LuciaLeek :wave:

Oh wow, glad yours seems to be doing something! Yay! I didn't even ask. The doctor was lovely and she mentioned that if I wanted she could do it. I so wasn't expecting it but said yeah let's give it a go! At that point I was quite emotional :lol: But she was unable to do a successful sweep she said cos my cervix is still far back. However I the colour of my discharge has changed slightly to a slight browny tinge to it...soooo she may have hit something up there...wishful thinking eh :roll:

My goodness, I'm like you, I too have another sweep appointment next Tuesday! Hopefully you won't need yours and your tightenings and period pains are the start!

Yeh I'm going for the c-section over being induced :shock: Its just cos I'm so frightened of the chance of uterine rupture cos I had a c-section with my DS previously (14yrs ago) and the fact that I don't particularly have any faith in medical staff (my Mum was overdosed on morphine whilst in hospital with cancer and died 2 days later) and it frightens me that they could keep trying to induce me and cause major problems.

I know a c-section is major abdominal surgery but I'm thinking...well I've got experience of that previously and came out of it alright. My head is absolutely whirring at the moment...I was kinda put on the spot at the hospital too as I never expected to have to make a decision...I more or less thought that today they'd be giving me a date of when to induce me cos I'd said previously that I wanted to try for a vaginal birth. I guess I'm just gona have to roll with it and accept whatever happens first. :oooo:

Apart from all that I am excited though...honest :lol: Wouldn't it be amazing to both go on our due dates?! How cool would that be ;) Oh please keep me updated on how you're getting on. I'm so excited for you. x
MrsHakaxjdx - Thank you. I see you don't have that long to go! ;) x

confused 88 - Thanks. Oooh best of luck for Monday. Keep us updated! Aww I hope you don't have to be induced...its the same date as my c-section...if I have it that is ;) x

KirstyL - Thanx. Oooh waiting to 41 weeks is a bit rough! Yeh I'd be tearing my hair out too tbh. That's good though that your MW friend is prepared to do it for you at 40 weeks. Hopefully she can squeeze you in tomorrow and you never know!! I know, we dread labour but are impatient to meet our LOs. We're crazy :lol: Also keep us updated how yours goes or when you'll be having it! x

Well the pains have stopped although the tightenings are still there. No blood or anything though. Don't worry about your cervix being further back though as by the morning it could be right down - I think some women go for weeks with a 'favourable' cervix tbh, so I'm not hopeful that I will have any baby action any time soon!

So sorry to hear about your Mum - what an awful thing to happen and no wonder you are wary of medical intervention. I think you're doing the right thing about the C-section as if you're nervous about the VBAC with being induced, you probably won't be able to relax...a tense foofoo is a no no for a great labour :)

Keep me posted about your progress! xxx

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