Not sure what to do!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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Well tomorrow I have another consultant appointment and it will be to discuss induction of labour as I will be 9 days over due. I had a c section with my son and was hoping to have gone into labour naturally this time but it doesn't seem to be the case! The consultant said last week they were reluctant to give the inducing tablets on the cervix but would if it was needed. Now tomorrow has come around so fast and I'm really not sure what to do for the best! I'm scared of uterine rupture which is increased with an induction after a previous c section. After my consultant saying they don't like to give the tablets I'm swaying towards a c section again. I don't want to put my baby and me at risk but I know that another c section wouldn't be without risk also. I just wished this baby would have come by herself and I wouldn't have to make this decision :( I'm so confused!
Oh what a naughty baby! I dont really have any practical advice other than to say you should weigh up the pros and cons with your consultant and make an informed choice based on their advice, the risks and what you would prefer.

Good luck tomorrow and I hope you make the best decision for you and LO, remember that the best laid plans go wrong and you havnt failed if you have to choose the C section.

Hope that makes sense!!

oh and have some of these :hug: :hug:
Aww that a difficult one hun, i kinda know how you must feel as i deliberated over whether to have a section or natural but this was mid pregnancy and i opted for a section. I know you really want a natural but just wanted to reassure you if you end up having a section it can be a positive thing. my elective this time was such a calm positive experience and i actually enjoyed it :o. Much better than my traumatic emergency section last time. Also im recovering very well and been out and about with the 2 of them for the past few days.

I hope your little one comes a.s.a.p, then you can have a the natural birth you wanted..good luck. :hug:

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