30 weeks!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Hi ladies,

After a busy weekend and not being able to get on here as all OHs family were visiting, I have realised that I am now 30 WEEKS PREGNANT!!! :shock: OMG- can't believe that I only have 2 pay days before little Daisy Mc will be here!!! Also, anyone know where I can get one of those hospital bags prepared ready? Did anyone buy one of those in the end?? There was a thread a while ago but I can't seem to find it. I'm starting to worry that I haven't got anything ready!!
I'm not sure where you can get them from but I wouldn't worry yet, I've still got to pack hospital bag, choose a name and swap bedrooms about! As you can see I'm the most organised person... NOT!! Lol

Happy 30 weeks hun!!
Thanks! Sounds odd but I suddenly feel pregnant! I'm going into organisation overdrive at the mo as I have 2 weeks off work and I know after this hol I've got 7 weeks of manic working to make sure all is finished before I go off! I'm also starting to get nervous about the birth now!! Oh well, she's in there and she has to come out!!
Pam xx
With my first labour I decided to go into it open minded! I've never done it before so I didn't know what it'll be like and billions of women have done it before us and yeah it bloody hurts lol but it's worth it and if labour was that bad I wouldn't be doing it again! I'm actually looking forward to the labour this time!!
Your be fine Hun x x
Yay! Such a fab milestone isn't it?!

Don't worry, i'm so not organised. Haven't got everything, haven't got my bag packed, haven't got a name sorted...haven't even got a pram yet! lol
We seem to have all the big things- just little things that I need like nappies, clothes, all my bits that I don't even know about yet!!
Pam xx
:yay: Won't be long now, exciting stuff.. I can't remember the site for that either but I'm sure if you have a look on google you will be able to track it down xx
Happy 30 weeks :D

I cant remember the site - but i remember what you mean, im sure if you type ''pre made labour bags'' or somethinglike that you'll find it :)

I have only just packed my bag!! And iv still got a couple of things to throw in when im ready to go like charger for phone etc.
Iv just started gettin nervous for the birth too!! I haaate hospitals and i hate blood and i know that anyday now and im gunna have to face both!!!!
Here's the link honey:


Hope this is what you meant x
Thank you- I found it! I have posted to see of anyone bought one as I'd like to know what people think before I buy. I could make a bag myself but I just know I'll leave out something vital!!!
Pam xx
happy 30 weeks xx know what you mean about wanting to get everything ready i never pack my bags untill i was in labour with the other 2 so really wanna make sure im ready this time
We seem to have all the big things- just little things that I need like nappies, clothes, all my bits that I don't even know about yet!!
Pam xx

There's a sticky thread at top of tri 3 which has a list of bits to pack x hope this helps x
Happy 30 weeks they have the pre prepared hosp bags on eBay x

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Ooh, thanks- I'll have a look.
Happy 35 weeks by the way!
Pam x

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