2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Lush bumps going on their girls! makes u wish u could keep them forever.
Serious envy to those who still have their belly rings in :( I miss mine...
Nikkilubs ur bump is so sweet its there hon :hug: :hug:
Am posting this mostly because I want to show off my new pajamas! :dance:

21 weeks and 6 days :)



Please excuse the mess, we are moving next weekend so place is a bit of a bombsite!

C xxx
GnT, I can definitely see the difference, your bump is coming along nicely :D

Aww Bagpuss, you have the cutest bump, I feel massive next to you :)

Love those PJs Clairey, and where did you get those from? Also bump is looking lovely :)

Nicki, your pip must be nice and snug in there, I can still see a little bump :D

Sarah another great bump there :D

Cleo, what a fab size, your LO must have loads of room :D
Great bumps everyone, sorry not to comment on each individual one theres been so many added whilst ive been away but they're all looking lovely! :hug:

Going to have to try and take some bump pics later! :cheer:
going to try and post my first bump pic...... not sure if it will work though!!

Hmm.....didn't work. I'll have to wait til I get home and load the picture onto my photobox and upload it from there.
Ugh this is my 26w pic complete with stretchmark and back fat :oops: Need to remember to adjust my position for next time. I am feeling huge again, I think he has grown since our holiday.

I cant see what stretch mark your on about and thats such a nice little bump! Defo no fat!!!!!!! Awww its a bump but its a really compact bump like one you would find in Ikea haha flat pack bump so you can fit it in the car nice and easy! :D
lol, thanks nicki :D I like that, a flat pack bump :D

Also the stretchmark is on my hip directly up from the date! TBH I'm glad it is there rather than on my bump itself :D
i love your bump Mildy, i am going to post my one soon! can i ask where you got your jeans from?
Thanks lillou :D My jeans were from Next, I have two pairs of maternity jeans from them and live in them both :D

I think they were these ones :)

Looking forward to seeing your bump pic :D
Okay at 25weeks..........


But I thought I would take one led down so I can show you theres defo baby room in there! I never had a big lump there before I got pregnant and now I have a little room for her! That you can see when I lay down hehe next time some one comments on the non bump then Im going to lie on the floor and show them!

I can see your lil bump Nikki! My tummy does that when I lie down too :rotfl: It looks kind of freaky doesn't it! Bless you and your little tum though, I bet you snap right back into shape after you little princess arrives, lucky bugger!

C xxx
Aww your bump is so dinky Nikki! Its so cute! :hug:
Midly, what is that about stretchmark? What ONE stretchmark? Just wait until I cant post a bump pic and then you will see stretchmarks!! I have loads on my hips! And they always stayed pink too! :x
I have silver ones on my lower belly too :x lol But there about to get worse so no point in me moaning yet hahaha :rotfl:
Eveyone has great bumps! I cant wait to be posting pics of mine!! :cheer:
This is me at 19+2. Not sure how much is bump and how much is podge lol


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