2nd Trimester Bumpy Pics!

Perfect timing for an Easter egg bump!!! Jen I will post you a pic in a few weeks (or knowing me ~ months!) when there is an actual bump there! Haha! X
Claire there is a little bump there, it's just not so noticeable as my previous size 10 frame now has massive love handles, hips, bum etc! Bump is just really spread out... Exsctly the same as with my little girl, and of course nothing at all to do with the amount I am eating. X
Haha we may aswell enjoy the indulging while we can, right? Would be rude but to :) any predictions for your bump? I have a feeling mine is a boy, not sure why x I have a little girl now too x
Everything is totally pointing towards girl. Same symptoms as last time, same shape, very clear nub in scan, etc, but I kind of think boy!! What makes you think boy? Xx
I really don't know...I just have a feeling, think that maybe my bump is lower than last time but perhaps that's just in my head haha x
Gender guesses welcome lol??? Feeling huge and blessed xxx

Looks like mine did with my boys , so I guess boy! But I suppose there is no science in that, purely a guess! Haha! Looking fab tho x
Hehe thank you :) everyone keeps telling me girl but I have a feeling it's a boy, not sure why just intuition I guess! I'm 22 weeks, I didn't find out the sex so only got 18 weeks to wait lol xxx
22+3...excuse the back rolls :roll: xx


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Lovely bumps girls x

This is me today at 21 +5


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Lovely bumps ladies!! First one Im sharing - I'm 18wks exactly :)


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Finally popped! 17 weeks. Summer your bump is amazing! Actually makes me feel I haven't popped at all! Haha. X

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