2nd degree tear experiences?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2012
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Hi ladies, I had a second degree tear when Leo was born and it was agony for the first week, starting to slowly improve as I went into the second week but it's still all feeling quite sore now (4.5 weeks later). Don't know if this is normal or not? I'm still bleeding too (some days barely anything but at times quite a bit of fresh blood) so I'm having to wear towels or at least long liners 24/7 so my bits never get chance to have a break from having something pressed against them! Don't know if that would aggrevate things but it certainly feels uncomfortable when my knickers rub against me in bed at night
I've also noticed sometimes when I sit down in a funny position (so I'm probably stretching things a bit) it almost feels like things are tearing again! This makes me wonder if the fresh blood is from the inside or from the tear. I've tried to have a look and can't see anything that looks like it hasn't healed so I'm not 100% sure what it actually is that's making me feel sore. I just assumed that if everything would be feeling normal again by now but I'm wondering if it's normal to still be sore? Xx
I was back to normal by ny six week check. No pain or discomfort etc. If you are worried hhn then get yoursekf checked out to make sure all is healing as it should be.

I had a second degree tear and could still feel it until about 16 weeks especially when I sat on the toilet, not exactly sore but not quite right. I guess it takes time for the scar tissue to stop feeling tight. Now at 30 weeks I can't feel anything at all and 'marital relations' are just like before!!! xx
I had them take a look at my 10 day check as I was still in hospital anyway and they said it looked fine and no infection, it was still very sore then and now it's more annoying than anything! I'll ask the doc when I take Leo for his 6 week check. Think hubby is keen to attempt 'marital relations' again as it's been almost a year since we last did it - when we conceived! I'm terrified about anything going back up there! X
The first few times we tried to DTD we had to abandon it but I think it was more because I was nervous and therefore not very relaxed. LO was probably about 12 weeks before we tried and about 20 weeks before normal service was resumed!! :lol:
I had a second degree tear n it still felt a bit sore at my 6 wk check so asked her to have a look n she did n said all was fine. Wasn't long after that it started to feel normal again n we dtd about 8 wks pp.

I had a second degree tear and I was still sore until about 14 weeks afterwards x
I had second degree and it was 12 weeks before pain was going. X
I had a 2nd degree tear, i remember it being very uncomfortable! But was all healed by my 6wk check. Dtd at 9weeks and it was slightlt uncomfortable due to alot of scar tissue inside.
Tried tampons on my 2nd cycle PP and it was still uncomfortable, but a year later everything is fine and dandy!

I in double book a drs app hun and just get yourself looked at xx

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