Tmi tear question


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2010
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Hiya I gave birth 15 days ago and at the time the midwife said I only had a small graze which wouldn't need stitches, although my pregnancy notes say 1st degree tear. Anyway had a wee look with a mirror and it doesn't look as though its healed at all, its still very open looking. Tmi sorry!

I'm not bleeding or sore but do you think its normal for a 1st degree tear without stiches not to of healed my now? I'm so scared I'm going to be left like this forever. I did mention it to the midwife and she said it can take up to 6 weeks to heal but I dont think she realised how unhealed it looks, if you know what I mean! Xx
if your worried you can get a midwife/dr to check it out, i had my episiotomy checked just to make sure it was healing ok as i thought it still looked quite open! tbh though i didn't feel like it had completely healed until about 3/4weeks! hope your feeling better soon x
I also had a 1st degree tear which MW said was a graze....I always found that misleading as mines was very sore for about 6/7 weeks & still very noticeable, looked more like a cut than a graze even weeks on.

I remember them discussing wether or not to put stitches in, it turns out after MW said that it might be harder for it to heal if no stitches....great

I also had a 1st degree tear which MW said was a graze....I always found that misleading as mines was very sore for about 6/7 weeks & still very noticeable, looked more like a cut than a graze even weeks on.

I remember them discussing wether or not to put stitches in, it turns out after MW said that it might be harder for it to heal if no stitches....greatI


I wish they had stiched me, I'm sure it would of healed by now. Did everything heal up ok with you eventually? X
Yeah just took alot longer than I thought, i'm sure by around 6 weeks it was fine, thats when we 1st DTD after the birth, was still a wee bit sensitive but not painful as such.

I hope it heals soon for you hon, I would get ur mw to check it next time u see her though then she can put ur mind at ease. I had a 2nd degree tear and had stitches, its never hurt me or been sore particularly but I didn't dare check how bad it looked incase it made me start noticing it, but checked today nearly 2 weeks and all but 1 stitch has dissolved and I can't even see where the tear was, it looks completely healed. So I don't know if the stitches had helped speed it up? I was told by my mw to put lavender oil in my bath as that can aid healing, or bathe the area with salt water, I didn't do either but they might be worth a try?
Thanks, the midwifes coming today so ill mention it to her. I'm sure it should have at least healed a little but it looks the exact same as it did a couple of days after the birth. Xx
good idea hun, they should be able to give you some antibiotics xx
Thanks everyone. I seen the midwife yesterday, she just said it was healing from the inside out, so the surface would be last to heal. She also said it would take a bit longer as I never had stitches. She reassured me a bit but I'm hoping it heals soon, me and oh are dying to dtd! Xx
Glad your MW visit went well.

Interesting about what she said about it healing slower coz of no stitches, I might push for stitches this time (if i'm cut) , as I remember it being quite a long recovery for what she classed as a minor graze!

Are you taking arnica tabs - i've heard they're supposed to help heal after the birth!

Glad your MW visit went well.

Interesting about what she said about it healing slower coz of no stitches, I might push for stitches this time (if i'm cut) , as I remember it being quite a long recovery for what she classed as a minor graze!

Are you taking arnica tabs - i've heard they're supposed to help heal after the birth!


If I could do it again I would def ask for stitches. Not taking arnica, I forgot slop about it actually, think ill buy some today, thanks for the reminder! Xx
People swore by lavender oil while in a bath but I haven't tried it myself. My episiotomy healed quite well but the scar still feels a bit tight. We did dtd at 4 and a bit weeks, felt too tight in the beginning but take it slowly and it will be fine

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