***2016 babies***

Well done on combined feeding Emcb. That is a really good achievement to have come a full circle like that. He might look Unsatisfied but he's probably trying to establish your milk supply even better - just a thought X
Good advice about tongue tie and reflux checking there - could be what's causing problems.
I'm exclusively breastfeeding and it's been a lot easier than it was with my daughter - even the thrush isn't causing me much discomfort now I have stuff for it.

Anyone who is or has tried breastfeeding and has sore and cracked nipple still then I can't recommend highly enough asking your GP to prescribe ActiForm Cool would dressings - they are like a clear gel pad that you can cut to size and slip in your bra and they sort of stick to nipple if you place them there. They work wonders and will heal the cracks and make you feel a lot better. I was recommended it with my daughter by another breast feeder and it worked so quickly. Told me GP about it yesterday and he said that was a great tip and he'd
Be remembering that for future patients as they don't have much to do with dressings as
It's mainly nurses that deal with that stuff x
I've now gone back to exclusively breast feeding , and it's hit and miss , I breast fed my daughter until she was 1 so know how to latch a baby , but this little Madame won't open her mouth wide enough for long enough especially on the right side , the initial few sucks ,P make me cry out! So imim guessing she's not quite latching good enough. I'm trying everything including holding her chin . I think I need to get a little help this time. My nipples hurt , like bruised hurt , the midwives all said she has an extraordinary strong suck though .

She hasn't much rhythm to her feeding as of yet , maybe every three hours , some great advice in here. X
Birdo I have a friend whose little boy had a very strong suck but it turned out to be tongue tie related - have you been checked? Also she swore by medela nipple shields in the first few weeks so her nipples didn't get totally wrecked. Never tried them myself but they could help x
Oh yes nipple shields - so many people swear by them! No experience but plenty of great feedback heard in the past X
Rose the midwives checked and said no tongue tie , now I'm becoming engorged and it's coming too fast for her to have :( ... God I hope it steadies soon X
I'm also very tearful and feeling very much alone , especially with this struggle , well it's all been a struggle ... LOVE my baby so much , I just want it to get easier now ..... It's almost breaking me to go to formula , but I know I will be so disappointed in. Myself X
Hey everyone thanks for the good advice! just an update ...

I'm a ftm and still learning, I think I was putting too much emphasis on timing his feeding (roughly every 3 hours) instead of looking out for the signs he was ready like head turning and hand licking even if he seems otherwise calm. Last day and a half has been much better, I think he actually just needs it more often and maybe was too frustrated by the time i was offering it previously. Still a little trouble latching on but he seems calmer for the most part. I'm sure the battle isn't over but I'm pleased with the little progress we've had. I was also desperate to get 20 minute feeds but the midwife said I might not always need to if I have a good supply, fast flow etc which I seem to.

P.s he's amazing... I want another baby:oooo:
Hahaha Mel you are just like me - both my babies I said 'I want to do it again' moments after giving birth!

I demand feed at the moment Mel - basically whenever he starts sticking his tongue out, crying or searching for a boob he goes on. Does mean I had 16 feeds a day at one point, down to 10-12 now though and I know it will start to regulate soon x
Haha yes rose i feel so frightened of him growing up that i want to plan the next. I have this strange feeling of missing everything that happened last week even tho i hate hospitals and desperately wanted out not to mention the pain.

birdo sorry to hear that - chin up! :)

My midwife suggested if it's the difference between breaking point and still persisting with bf it wouldn't be the worst thing to have a ready made bottle in the house for emergencies when you are about to crack, and I think she said that one off shouldn't cause much nipple confusion.

Have you expressed any to help with discomfort in the meantime?
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Yes I expressed a small amount last night and sat with frozen flannels on my boob today , it flows that fast she chokes and has projectile vomited twice ... I can hear her gulping struggling to keep up with the flow , so I'm taking her off when it starts , winding then placing her back on .. Plenty of wet nappies , several poo's . So she's getting what she needs ( I hope) .. Just need to get through this and hopefully they will regulate , think her hunger and constant feeding have caused me to produce more and now she's settling down I don't need it all . I'm trying not to stress and keep feeding times as relaxed as I can and feeding her in an upright position to aid the choking etc .

It was soooooooo much easier with my first!!!! X

Sounds like you're all doing fab X
In the mornings my milk comes really fast and lo fusses and gets more on her face then anywhere else, I find that I catch some on muzzie and try again and I feed with me leaning back so it doesn't come out at such a force and that helps? Sounds like you are having a rough time of it but it will get better! I remember with first because she lost so much Weight and ended up on special care I had to record all her feeds and times and exact amount of time active sucking and I was obsessed with times and how much she fed! This time I'm so much more relaxed and she cluster feeds whenever she is awake but just going with it and I'm so much happier for it. Keep on going ladies! We are all doing fab and so worth it in the end! Xx
Good morning! Yes I've got a cluster feeder here too. Last time round I also tried to space feeds 2-3 hours apart following "advice" from a book we aren't allowed to mention on this forum ;) didn't work and caused me huge stress. This time I know better and DD2 is on the boob much like Rose said - 16-20 times per day at whichever intervals suit her. I don't have a challenge with fast flow (I'm grateful I got milk at all given my tiny but working assets!).

Hugs Birdo you are having an especially tough time aren't you :(

How's everyone in the downstairs department? I was happy until yesterday but now I'm suspecting a prolapse :( I don't know if that's pretty normal for 10 days pp or is it a sign I've definitely got it. Need to get to a GP me thinks
You ladies are all doing amazingly well! Birdo, it's at your stage I cracked and switched to expressing. Engorged boobs, cracked nipples, bad latch, chocking on my milk. And being up all night then looking after a 2 year old the next day just killed me. Expressing was going well but stopped 2 days ago cos again I was struggling to get time to express while Hubby was at work and I had he kids. I'm not beating myself up like I did with dd1, I fought with bf'ing and expressing for 10 weeks and I was miserable. All I would say is do what makes you happy ladies cos you can't reverse the time back again. I really wish I had enjoyed dd1 more at the time rather than on bf'ing.
It's such great support in here!! I feel really buzzed that I'm doing something right , baby has gone from 8lb 9 oz to 9lb 5 in 10 days since birth!! That's really made me positive and determined to push on X
That's an incredible weight gain Birdo! You got boobs producing pure liquid gold there ;)
Hey girls wondering if anyone can help?

So lo sleeps 9.30ish- 1, feeds and then 1-3. That I can cope with but after that she is up 4,5 and 6 and when is sleeping she grunts, snorts, wiggles and all sorts! I wear ear plugs cause I'm such a light sleeper I can't even sleep hearing oh breathe! But can still hear every little noise lo makes. She is fast sleep though! I have tried winding her, feeding her but too asleep. If I hold her she is the same and still making noise. Last four nights has ended with me in tears on sofa downstairs and then oh has to bring me her each hour. I feel like a failure cause just want to do it right but am so tired today as just don't sleep past 3am! Anyone got any advice? Other sites people have told others with problem to put baby in own room but I'm not doing that!! Xx
My little one wakes up every 2 hours , I'm wondering how on earth I'm going to manage with school runs soon . It's terrible if you struggle with lack of sleep , she may be dreaming when she's grunting etc , in REM sleep , you're not a failure at all . I think it will get better as she gets older and takes more milk at the 3 feed? Could you fully wake her at 3 prob sit in another room and make sure she really feeds? Then maybe will sleep a little more settled from 3 onwards .... Hope it gets easier soon Bubbles X
I have a noisy sleeping baby too, he literally grunts, groans and moans in his sleep and I can't relax until he's silent! My oh is also a heavy breather/snorer so between the two of them I'm stuck! I hear every single noise Joseph makes but my oh sleeps through most of it unless he really cries. It's very hard and I don't really have a solution! X
Mine is reasonably noisy if he is in his cot too and then I can't settle. So far we've had very little success getting him to sleep in the cot and sleeps on his front on my chest and the he doesn't move a muscle or make a sound. He seems to really need to know I'm right there all the time. I'm just going with it so I get sleep.

I've had a terrible morning and was sat in tears earlier. OH went out to DIY store and supermarket so I had both children and they were just taking it in turns to scream their heads off and then we're setting each other off. My daughter just wanted a cuddle and all I wanted was to give her a cuddle but baby wouldn't stop feeding so she was getting more upset and that just set me off. Calmed down and got over it now but sometimes this feels soooo hard! I really don't want to switch to formula when I'm not having trouble breastfeeding but I can't help but think how much easier it would be to keep everyone happy if I did. But to be honest we could do without the added cost of formula in our weekly shopping when I can provide milk for free! And of course it's giving me the added benefit of losing weigh quickly which never happened before!

Bubbles don't beat yourself up - sleep deprivation is the worst thing about the newborn stage and it makes us all feel like we are failing when we really aren't! Xx

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