** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Im like that at times MsClaire, try having little naps thru the day, thats what im having to do!!!

After my last post i decided to throw up everywhere, and now i feel terrible, so laid on my parents bed watching tv as dad varnishing door and mum washing bedding!!!
Morning everyone :) fairly new to the forum having just got my positive result last Saturday. According to my own calculations I'm 5 + 1 today so still really early days.

It's nice to get a chance to read through other 1st time experiences and put some of my worries at rest. So far I've not really got any symptoms other than being exhausted all the time and the odd twinge in by boobs :) I don't feel sick but I'm kind of put off by food at the mo. I feel like I'd welcome some more symptoms just to make it feel real.

My hubby works away from home so it was our first half hearted attempt before he went back to work (we were going to start trying when he's next home in September). It was a big surprise for it to happen first time so I'm still in a state of shock. Broke the news to him via Skype and just hoping that he makes it back in time for my 12 week scan.

So excited but also very nervous and I need to get out of the habit of doing a test every morning on the internent chapies just to see the line getting darker :eh: x
Welcome Vicki,

Be glad you dont have alot of symptoms, trust me id be jumping for joy if i felt better, it spoils the pregnancy!!!

Hope your OH does get back for the scan as its a magical experience seeing bubs!!!!
Thanks Sassy. I'm sure he will make it back in time. He's due back about a week before I'd get my scan so I'd hate to go without him.

Hope you start to feel better soon x
Thanx sweet, im sure i will get there, just hope im not like this the whole way through!!!!!

Had to have another long nap after work today!! not good!!

Wednesday is the day we find out how many are snuggled in there..........
Welcome Vicky :)

I was same as you at 5 weeks then at 7 I was very sick! I'd do anything for it all to go!
Had to have another long nap after work today!! not good!!

Wednesday is the day we find out how many are snuggled in there..........

Ohh do you suspect more than one? Were thinking it might be twins as they run very strongly in my family and my sister had twin boys last year x
Hey hun

I was on fertility drugs to stimulate my ovaries - so yeah we have a higher chance! Plus OH's mum went to see a gypsy fortune teller a couple of years ago who said i'd have twins! Actually sh*****g myself!!! x
Hey I'm the same found out this morning, due on tomorrow and already got a positive test I am nearly 4 weeks!! Gobsmacked me and hubby's first try... Very nervous and excited with tiredness and sickness I really wanna tell my family it seems ages away 12 weeks!! But very anxious as such early days!!! :)
Yay for Wednesday Nicky!!!

How u doing boobalou??? Ive just thrown my tea up, and i feel like my throat is burning/blocked etc, feel awful and like crying its not fair anymore :-(

Hope all you grls are doing ok xxx
Morning girls!

It's my scan day :o after work!!!

Have a gOod day :)

I had 4 days of no acid or sickness now it's back :(
Yeeeeeey can't wait to see a picture :) good luck!!!!!!

And Urgh to the sickness!! X
Good luck boobalou!!!

I spent all night being sick, so much so im not seeing my OH after all today as feel so bad, hope it eases for us all through the day!!

Have a good one ladies xxx
Thanks ladies, ill pop on and put a pic if all goes well :)

Its such a great feeling to get his far!
My hip is killing! Finishing work early today cos it's a right struggle!! So tired and achey!!

Can't wait to see scan picture :)

Sassy that sucks about spewing all night!! I just had really bad dreams been having the same one over and over!!

Aww no Nicky, I heard a lot of women get the hip ouch! :(

Gawd Sassy thats nasty!!!
Been spewing again this morning, the meds not even settling it!!!
Just been force fed some mushroom soup :-$ just hope it stays!!!
I updated my status on fb about being sick and throat hurting and wanting to cry, one ov my so called friends commented saying i should think myself lucky to be having a baby and not having a misscarriage, kinda upset me that a so called friend could say that, luckily others were amazing and proper bolloked em for me sayin i wasnt saying anything about being pregnant just about being sick!!!

Think its gonna be a long afternoon, Nicky make sure you get your feet up and rest your doing too much!!!!!
Sassy since i got pregnant ive realised theres a massive wedge between people with fertility problems and have had miscarriages and it can be vicious, dont let her make you feel like you dont deserve your baby, if she was that sick she would be totally distraught, we know how it feels, most days it makes you miserable and thats just the reality! Its jealousy :(

Rant over hehehe

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