** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

He will be there in 2016 and will do u all proud!!!

Timtam thats great news, so pleased all is well and you have seen your little one!!!!
Yes he will - it was just heartbreaking to see him so upset. He will bounce back.

Excellent news on the scan hun x

Im having a good day today! We also found a house, like finding a needle in a haystack but we sign contracts next week :)

Timtam glad you had your scan, awwww

Sassy how you feeling babe?

Hi Nicky

How is Talula today?
Afternoon Boobalou, not doing to bad today, feel sicky/gassy but not near as bad, if i could get the manky dry mouth/horrid taste to subside i may feel even better!!!
Been to town and bought some huge jeans to grow into, a few vests and 2 tiny nb baby vests which are uber cute!!!!!
Hope your all having a good day girls xxx
Oh and yayyyyayyyyyayyyy on the house, thats amazing news, so pleased for ya xxxx
Hey ladies, sorry I haven't been on today! Had a really busy day and feel like absolute shite tonight!! Had a 3 hour sleep from 6pm which has done no good!!

Hope your all ok xxx
Hope ur ok sweet!!!

Ive got a course ov accupuncture at 8:20am, hoping it will help with my headaches, usually have it every 6 month for my migraine.... Hope it might help the sickness too, although it makes me worse in the first 24 hours..... Fingers crossed for a better day for u tomorrow xxx
What lovely news about the house! Yay.

I am the same as ever, sick, sick and even sicker. But I am trying to be positive and think that this will all be worth it in the end. I am hoping it ends soon though.
Woken up with a head cold!! Just knew if was coming!! Feel better in myself today tho!!

Ive never had acupuncture! Not sure about it!! X
Ive just had accupuncture for the sickness, they wouldnt do my usual treatment wth me being pregnant, just hoping it helps, it usually does, mind you my arms are on fire now from it lol!!!!
You dont feel it at all, luckily my gp is qualified to deliever it!!!
Can't beat a nice hot bubble bath when your stressed out!! Ahhhhh!!

Glad your acupuncture went ok hun x
Just wish i could sleep now, bubs wont let me be and im so tired, plus up in morning for scan!!!
Oh what i would give for a good nights sleep without gassy/acidic/gripy/sicky tummy ache
I hear you on wanting a good nights sleep Sassyjane. I can't remember the last time I slept well.

I'd love a bath, I am almost tempted to go to a hotel for a night just so I can have one. lol No one here has a bath tub in their home, just showers.
Oh god I couldn't survive without a bath!!! I don't know how you manage!!!

Scan day - Yey for pictures!! X

OMG i have awful food aversions for the last 3 days, its torture
I love baths too. Nothing better than some nice bubbles and a good book and an hour or two alone to soak. When we were looking for a condo over here our agent said what are your must haves and I said a bath tub, he laughed and said 'good luck with that'. They just don't exist here. Guess it's too hot for people to want to lounge around in baths. I still would though.
Whenever I go on holiday i always have a bath!! Had 2 baths a day in Spain this year!! Not a fan of showers! X
I prefer my shower!!!

Had my scan, baby is gonna be a gymnast, wouldnt lay still his/her arms and legs were everywhere!!!

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