** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

I've woken up very very excited!!! Can not wait now!!

Hope your ok tallulah xxx
I have less than a week to wait, 6 days and 20 mins, wish they could tell me what it is now tho instead of at 20 weeks lol, i wanna know!!!!!!
Im excited for ya huni!!!!!
Chris was gutted he has to wait till 20 weeks before we can find out!! I'd love to know now!! X
Well my nan wants a girl so fingers crossed thats what i have, he wants a boy, i just wanna feel human (but a girl would be nice)!!!!
Just found out i can take my bach rescue remedy during pregnancy, im doin a massive happy dance, its not same as my meds but at least its some relief!!!!!!!!!
Yay Hun :)

I feel shit again tonight. Stomach ache, tired, constipated, heart burn!! Urgh!!

We just got a call from my bro saying he has been put on notice to deploy, he could be in Afghan by mid September so my anxiety has shot up and now im running a temp, have a headache and feel sick as a dog!!!

Hope that you feel better and manage to sleep huni xxx
Yeah hit me like a brick boobalou, means he wont be home for bubs been born :-( **sobs** but we knew it had to come eventually as he hasnt been there before and has been in for several years!!! Its just he is in the bomb squad which makes me worry more!!!! Xx
Like i say we have been lucky, he went in in 2004, the only proper tour he has done was northern ireland for 3 months, and he was on tv blowing the big bomb up they had in Derry town centre last year, other than that he has done a month in Cyprus, a month in Kenya and 2 years in the Falklands..... He has been asking to go to Afghan since forever and we knew that day would come, just wish it wasnt right now! We havent told my Nan yet cos she will go to pieces when he goes.....
I miss him alot as it is cos we dont see him often, but Im sure he will be fine, just means more bad dreams for me for the next 6 months or so, and that bubs needs to give me a break!!!!
I hate this horrible feeling now! Starting to ware me down! X
I was sick again today, was Tris' driving i think but knocked me for 6!!!

Big hugs sweet xxxx
Chris is getting arsey with me tonight because he wants to do something. I know he's frustrated cos I feel so tired and yuk all the time but I really don't want to move!! X
I know exactly what u mean and have the same issues huni xxx
This is the first time he has been like this!

Really wish I hadn't put my name down to do an extra early shift tomorrow! X
Ouch i bet, you should be getting some rest huni xx
Im so glad we've only decided to do this once!!! X
He wants two, he can go stuff, no way can i do this twice!!!!
Chris only wants one - thank god!!! I wanted two to start with - have now changed my mind!!! X

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