** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Ate a full plate and so far so good :-)

Just watched midwives from last night - well and truly freaked myself out now!!x
My appointment was just loooooads of paperwork, weight and blood pressure. Midwife was lovely though. I've got to go to an appointment with the practice nurse next week for blood tests and take a wee sample. Got to wait for a letter to come through about my dating scan appointment, she said it would take about a week. Otherwise not much else to report!
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we filled in paperwork for just over an hour lol!! soooooooooooo boring but interesting at the same time lol xx
Sounds like all the appointments went well.

I spoke to my OB yesterday, he is happy to leave me alone at home as long as I am not sick any more than I am and I am drinking as much as I am. He said not to worry about food, just eat a cracker when I can. But this can't be healthy for the baby, I asked him and he said at this stage it is fine. I have lost 18 lbs since I got pregnant and I was the 'right' weight for my height to start with. Blergh.

I am going to see him on the 11th August. I am not sure what that appointment is, maybe just to check I am OK and do the booking in stuff with him and his clinic. I saw him every day in hospital but that was always about getting on top of the sickness and we haven't talked about family histories or stuff.

I had a good cry this morning because I always thought I would have a midwife led pregnancy but there are no midwives here, well there are, but they stay in the hospitals and don't care for you in the community like in England. My obstetrician is lovely but it's just very different to the pregnancy care I thought I would be having. Oh well, it is what it is!

Hope everyone slept well and is feeling good this morning.
Well i had another good nights sleep :-) Thank god!! And no heartburn - wahoo!!

Oh and just so you know if you sign up to mamas and papas they are sending you a £10 evoucher to get £10 off when you spend £30 or more xx
Congrats to all of you! I jus found out I was 5 weeks pregnant three weeks ago, so apparently about 8 weeks now, very sick :( can hardly eat, midwife in 2 weeks, pregnant with my first!
Nervous because i just want to get to 12 weeks! X
Well i had another good nights sleep :-) Thank god!! And no heartburn - wahoo!!

Oh and just so you know if you sign up to mamas and papas they are sending you a £10 evoucher to get £10 off when you spend £30 or more xx

:) How do you do that? Can't see anything on their website about it?
Welcome Marisa!!!

Had a slightly better day today, up to about 5:30 anyhow, now im feeling sick and my head is killing me, back in bed!!!
Have managed to get my hair cut today finally after about 12 weeks, feels sooooo much better!!!

Hope you girls are feeling better today!!!!
Hi Marisa :) welcome

I don't make it to work today had a bad head! Glad I had the day off I'm feeling much better from the sleep and the plain food! My sickness is slowly going from it
Hello i'm 10 week and due march 3rd/4th - it's my first pregnancy too! private message me anytime
Glad its settlin boobalou, and that the sleep helped, mine seems to be then hits me again xx
Hi coco I'm 10 weeks today :)

Sassy have you tried eating very plain foods? I think my whole pregnant I'm gonna have to :(
I have and it made me feel worse, baby favours curry and spicy food so it seems!!!
Im 11 weeks tomorrow, roll on 13 weeks maybe we might improve ladies!!!!
My lovely Dad made me one from scratch the other day and it was amazing!!!!!!
Ladies ladies ladies - i have exciting news!!!!!!!

Was supposed to phone tomorrow to book my 12 week scan but but but...... ive just got home from work and i had a letter :-) My scan is already booked for the 15th August!! Yikes! IF my dates are correct i'll be bang on 12 weeks!!!

Right now tho i feel a bit sicky but trying to eat a little tiny something

Yay! Exciting Nicky, hopefully the time passes quickly until then.

Blergh, I am in a bad way again. I called my obstetrician last night, bless him, he gave me his mobile number. He is travelling so can't see me today though he did offer for someone else at his clinic to see me this morning, but I said I'd see how I go. I do have an appointment made for on Monday lunchtime with his colleague just to check up on me and baby. I am so afraid of ending up in hospital again. I am trying really hard to drink because he keeps stressing that for now that is the important part, but I am like clock work. Swallow a sip of drink, 25 minutes later I am sick. If I get to 26 minutes I get excited. Ha.

Really fed up of this now. I even woke up in the night to be sick when I hadn't swallowed anything for hours. Bah.

I hope everyone else is better than me this morning :)
I have no idea how to cope if this carries on through my entire pregnancy. There are no other meds I can have, they have tried me on everything. :(
Yay Nicky!!!

Tallulah i wish there was something we could do to make you feel better, im worried about you now!
I was like that with the fluids but luckily apart from nausea i havent been sick for 36 hours!!!
Sendin lots of really big hugs xxxx

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