** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Aww no, good luck!

Im back on plain foods from dinnertime, im so ill with reflux!!!! Its so miserable being pregnant :(

Oh god i had the worst reflux in the first week i found out. i had to sleep sat upright on the sofa it was so bad i couldnt breathe and had to have an inhaler. Its calmed down now thank god!
Hope your home and doing ok Talulah!!!

I had an ok ish night but feeling very very sick this morning, just had some lunch and im struggling to keep it down, im glad in not working at the moment!!!

OH is being a pain again today, left my phone downstairs out ov the way, i think dad will be telling him straight if he carries on!!!!!

Hope your all doing ok girls xxx
Timtam its awful isnt it, I remember you suffer as bad as me too! Im so miserable I cant have it the whole pregnancy ill commit suicide lol i only have a day or two when i dont have it

Hi Sassyyyyyyyyy

Whats is the matter with your OH???
My dad is taking me over there tomorrow and im staying the night, he wants me to go today but im not up to it and all i would do would be to lay in bed in a room on my own with no tv no nothing and be ignored while he stayed downstairs smoking, might as well stay here and be looked after!!!
:( why is he being really horrid babe? Is it like him? Is he scared and acting this way?
He is quite selfish, he gets jealous easily, when im staying with my parents he constantly accuses me of being with other men if i dont reply to texts (usually im asleep) he hates me having male friends, he got hurt in the past but im not them...... Urgh
Oh dear, its not nice! Write him a nice letter to say how you feel if you just argue, make it nice then hit him with the bad stuff hehehe
My dad is on verge ov telling him straight, he is now nagging what time im going over tomorrow, im like it depends how i feel, what time im up and ready and when dad is ready, i cant commit with not feeling well, im in bed running a temperature now and feeling awful :-(
urgh hun :-( sucks hes still being like that!!

i've got my midwife booking appointment in the morning - scared!!! xx
I had mine at 7 weeks and its nothing to worry about, just be ready to discuss what colour undies you wear!!! Lol!!!
Most of it is form filling, they take blood and sort out for booking scan etc, mine is really nice!!!!

He is coming over tomorrow to me instead i think which is better, i can barely move out of bed tonight, even just turned down a fish cake from chip shop!!!!

I have my appointment with the consultant (cos im a high risk pregnancy) on 28th august, and next midwife appointment on 31st August, gonna be busy that week :-(
What time is yours at hun? Mines at 9am!

Already had bloods done an filled most of forms in but I've got to take a wee sample with me.

I've decided against the downs syndrome test :( x
Mines at 9.20 :) I've not had any bloods or filled out any forms, although I have some in my bounty pack that I'm supposed to fill I think, which I'm going to do now. Not been asked to take in a wee sample or anything.
Good luck to you both for the morning!!!

Did you watch Midwifes on channel 2??? I cant cope with this stage of pregnancy, dont think ill cope with the delivery part!!! Made me cry in places tho, was kinda a happy but sad cry hearing some of the stories
No I didn't will catch up with it on I player!

My sister just rang me she was on secrets of a shoplifter on channel 4 haha!! X
Lol hope she wasnt been a bad girl!!!

Have the kleenex ready to watch midwifes hun, if your owt like me you will need em!!! Xx
I am going to see if I can get a proxy to work later on so I can watch Midwives on iPlayer.

Hope all the booking in appointments go well.

I had a lovely sleep back in my own bed without nurses changing a drip or taking my blood pressure every few hours, it was wonderful. Feel so much more refreshed. Am still on all the meds I was on in hospital and so far no sickness at all. I can't stay on one of the meds long term because it's not licensed for long term use in pregnancy here despite the fact it is in America and is used all the time in the rest of the world. I am already worried about stopping it and being so sick again.

Nicky - we won't be having the Downs Syndrome test either (or any of the abnormality ones they offer here)
No she was working and they were filming in her shop! Was filmed in york cos its got a high shoplifting rate! She catches them all the time lol!

Appointment in 50 minutes!! Yikes!! X
Morning ladiessssssss

Had a better night last night phew!

Whats the midwife programme? Documentary or drama?

We are having all the tests cos its all in Spanish and we dont know how not to ask for it or how to ask what they all are hahahaha we dont know what they all mean muhahhaha

counting down till hometime :nap:

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