** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Send Chris for em, tell em i said to move his ass or ima quarentine his PS3!!!!
He said he will. Ps3 went off ages ago thank god!!

Do heartburn and constipation aren't a good mix at all!!
No they sure ent, neither is heartburn, and hunger at silly pm lol!!!! Sleep time i think, nini girls xxx
Urgh lying down makes it worse - this is gonna be a long night!!

Night night xxxx
Back up curled up on the sofa - the rennies have not helped!!
sassy - liquid gaviscon is much better (for me, at least!) than the pills.

I hope you all managed to sleep OK.

It is nearly lunchtime here, my obstetrician is coming any time now and I am hopefully going home. I have taken my meds orally for 24 hrs now with no sickness and as long as I promise to drink plenty he will let me go home. I have had a lovely shower this morning and am feeling almost human again. Hopefully tonight I get to sleep in my own bed.
I got about 4 hours sleep - in such an arsey mood today!!
Morning ladies, OMG we are all in a right way lol!!!!

I slept with a bucket next to me last night! Im hoping for a better day/night!
god i was sooooooo tired yesterday, slept as soon as i got home from work. Staring at a computer screen all day at work is not helping the nausea, although ive not been that bad yet where ive felt like im actually going to be sick. Got my booking in appointment tomorrow, looking forward to that, will feel like something is starting to happen then :)
morning :) yeh im having nausea every day but thank goodness its fairly mild at the mo, but could do with not looking at the screen all day :(
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Me too its not helping is it :( im gonna have to go back to eating mega plain rice and potatoes etc cos i feel rank
yeh ive really lost my apetite too and thats soooooo not like me. All i seem to want to eat at the moment is fruit.
Yeah stuck at work. Been here since 6.30 gonna try eat now x
Aww no, good luck!

Im back on plain foods from dinnertime, im so ill with reflux!!!! Its so miserable being pregnant :(

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