** 1st time ever pregnant thread!

Awww Sweety :( well you know where we are if you need to talk! Sometimes it's easier to talk to people
You don't know xxx
I have to say that's really insensitive of him, couples do bicker and he should understand more especially in your position. I hope things do get better for you. At this stage i would say texing or calling isn't going to help. Lie low abit however hard it is and just try to relax for your baby. The only importatnt thing now is the baby you are carrying not him so don't make him the cetre of attention.The cenrte of attention should be the baby and that is just the way it it hun. Hope you feel better. Remember the baby evertime you think about him!! Hope all works out soon.
Today I am suffering with severe constipation!! It's driving me mad!!!!

Sassy I hope your ok xxx
Ive had a nice day with my parents and gran today, managed to have some dinner which i kept down, laid back in bed now as my head is killing me and im tired.....
Thanx for all the support guys, ive decided im not texting and stressing myself he can be an arse if he wants, if i have to go it alone then so be it i guess!!!!

Much love to you all xxx
I have that horrible feeling that I get when my periods going to come! Awful feeling in my stomach! Really hope everything is ok! X
Im laid in mum and dads bed watching tv, my head is spinning, im running a temperature and i feel sick as a dog..... Had my sickness meds and paracetamol plus tried steamer and nothing is taking it away, roll on drs on monday am!!!! Soooooo fed up xxx
Glad the cramping went hun. I get it sometimes, its scary but aparently natural!!! Xxx
God hun - that sounds awful!! Chris is driving me nuts tonight!!!!! X
My phone battery died and i ent put it on charge, his comment this morning finished me off, im fed up ov him and his stupid childish ways..... My phone is never off but today it is and i dont care!!!!
Tell Chris i said he has to behave and look after you or else!!!!!
He's just in one of those moods where he has to make a comment on everything - nothing towards me just stuff on tele!! Driving me mad!! X
I hope your man is realising what he's potentially losing!!

I'm so tired but I just can't be bothered to move to go to bed! X
So do i hun!!!

My Dad made me get snuggled in their bed while they are out at the pub, said i might as well be warm and comfy instead ov on the sofa/my single bed!!!
Haha just fall asleep - then they'll have to sleep on the sofa!! Soo tempting!

Bet your loving being back there! Are you still chucking your guts up? X
Im being spoilt, and i havent been sick today but its not lack ov my body wanting to be sick im fighting it!!! Loving being home yeps!!!!

Ive just spoken to him!!!
He rang me on my ipod and asked why i wasnt answering phone, told him its flat, he was like thought u might be pissed off from this morning so told him i was, he was ok with me i guess!!!

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