1st midwife meeting../


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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after miscarrying 2 months later i concieved again so now im back at square one with my midwife went through it all again :roll: but they wouldnt book me in a scan early i just thought that after all the worrying ive done an ive only got about 2 weeks left until im about 12 weeks before i lost the last one :( got 2 weeks to find something to take my mind off it wether i lost this one or not.
:mad: why are things such a pain.

got offered to have a dopplar hearing but she advised me not to because if i didnt hear a heartbeat it would prob make me feel even more upset because with it being to soon at just 10 weeks.

I want that letter now and it wont come any quicker than say 2 weeks so im holding out and :pray: that there is a heartbeat by the time i get to this scan because when i was preg first time around i didnt even get to make my scan as i miscarried the week before great not.

any prayers out there please please u got to make this one stay!! :lol:
Aww hun I understand how you are feeling as the same has happened to me. I lost my baby just before I was having the scan, that was 2 years ago.
Sending you positive thoughts and blessings to you and your baby.
Have you spoken to midwife or gp about how you feel?
*fingers crossed for an early scan*, All the best x:dance:
she should understand how i feel ie (midwife) but she has put because of my BMI an miscarried before that she hopes a date will pop or sooner but i know what people are like making ya wait for days.
thanks hun x
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aww hun know how you feel when i mc i was pregnant again within a couple of months but my mw didn t want to come and see me too early i was like a bag of nerves but thankfully everything turned out ok cause when i went for my scan i was 14 weeks when we thought i was maybe only 5 weeks.
hope everything goes ok for you hun and i know its easy to say but dont worry. :dust::dust:
thanks hun im trying not to worry just need to keep my mind occupied with something else rather than thinking to much bout the baby wat else can i focus on and my OH is not an option :rotfl:

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