A weird few days


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Well yesterday the 30th ive had in my head since start of april as this was given as my 20 wk scan date and im sure like lots of ladies you count down the weeks till that exciting day but sadly never got to make it that far and had to stop counting down the days 3 weeks ago when we lost our little baby at 16wks :cry: and today 31st was my due date from my 1st m/c ,I feel a bit bad because i feel more upset for missing my scan than iam at my due date but im sure its because it was an early m/c and hadnt actually formed where as this one was 16 weeks and i had our little baby and got to say goodbye and stuff which makes so much more real if you know what i mean although at the time it was really upsetting. :cry:
so just a weird feeling the past 2 days and to top it all ive had the flu since sunday feeling proper sorry for myself lol
Hi sweeite,
You have been through so much, your feelings are completely understandable. i can't really say anything to make everything ok, but I am sending you lots of hugs and I am thinking of you honey.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
There is nothing i can say to take the pain away that ur feeling right now but i just wanna say im thinking of u and im sending u lots of

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hon, I just read that at my desk and am trying to conceal the tears in my eyes. My heart and prayers go out to you.

You sound so strong. :pray: you have happier days very, very soon.

hi hun just want to send you lots of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You have been through so much and you are such a strong person and it will get easier, let yourself cry if you want. :hug:

I know what you mean and can understand how you feel, like you i lost in the 2nd tri and actually got to say goodbye to her, i held her and thought i would never get over it, you dont get over it but it gets easier slowly.

Take care of yourself and give me a shout if you ever need to chat anytime you know that. :hug: :hug:
Thanks again everyone its always a help to let it out on here sometimes easier to type than to talk i think especially as theres others thats been through the same as you so kinda understand what your going through.

Im sure it will get easier with time but i know that its not over yet as i still have to wait for the postmortem and other results to go back for and will also find out what sex the baby was that will be hard i think thats why im holding so much in because have feeling i will let go after all this and hopefully it will get easier then.
I was so sorry to hear about ths mishm, I'm glad the forum is helping you in some way :hug:
Mishm, I often think of you and feel so sad, We both had our first tri's around the same time last year, and we were both meant to be going through our second tri's together again this year too... My heart breaks for you as I do truly know how you feel :hug: As you know Like you I have lost in both 1st and 2nd tri's :cry: I felt the 2nd tri's harder too, but i also hold hope that you will get through this again and be able to go full term next time :hug: It is so much more scary too, but I guess our need is greater than our fear and we manage somehow to continue on. I am now 18+ weeks and still really nervous, every day i try to feel bubs moving but never know for sure if it was movement or imagination.Worried and scared everyday... I guess what i am trying to say is... Yes we have lost and we need each other for support, But i believe YOUR day will come again and YOU will carry straight through to a happy healthy baby next time.I look forward to seeing this with you (and i hope,I can hold on to this one too) ... Stay positive sweetheart, stay strong, stay hopeful :hug: take care and take time too, Lv Yvonne xx
michelle- :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

there isnt a lot i can say that will help you at the moment but please remember we are all here for you hun and will support you through anything, its all reminding me of carrie- ann. You dont have to find out the results if you dont want to, i understand if you do its such a hard but personal decision to make i chose to and im happy that i did, yes it hurt but at least i know it was a girl.

I wish you all the best hun and you know where i am if you ever need me anytime, give me a shout if you need to talk, :hug: :hug:
Thanks fynemum :hug: i do think about you too with us going through our losse's last year at the same time then got pregnant around the same time this time around but so happy for you and im sure that everything will turn out good for you and your LO although i can understand that you will still feel nervous and anxious at times.Like you say its so hard to deal with these thing but we put ourself through it for our needs to have our precious baby with us one day and hopefully in the future that will happen again for me too,although im not going to TTC for a while yet because i know emotionally i wont be ready.

tracey, i know your there for me hun and the same goes for you im here when ever u need me and u know that. :hug: We do want to find out what sex baby was because we can deal with it and grieve for our LO and will always be in our hearts so far there hasnt been a day gone by when i havent thought about our angel and im sure that isnt going to change in the furture but it will get easier with time im sure.

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