1dpo and defo getting our bfp in 2 weeks time ...

So when is everyone goung to test, are you able to wait until af is due or are you an early tester?

I am a poas addict. Think I'm gonna test at 10dpo which will be tue 4th march, will probably be tempted to test even earlier tho. If I remember correctly I got a really faint positive at 9dpo in my last pregnancy x
I will be testi on the 4th of mach because i have a scan and hospital app so need ti check before i go xx
Yeah Mel you'll b with us soon ! X
I'm gunna go 4 the 4 th march 11 dpo it will b so hard not 2 test b4 but I've been we'll behaved the last few cycles not testing early !
Woohoo mel not far behind ... well andrea u know i dont test early so i tjink we are both allowed this month after all its our bfp month xxx
So there will be a few of us testing on the 4th, lets hope there will be lots of bfp announcements that day!

How long has everyone been ttc for? x
Theres going to be loads of bfps on the 4th cherrycola .. we are having a mass invasion of tri.1 ...
ive got 2 kiddies dd15 and ds7 been ttc number 3 since ds born 7 years ago but this is the month for us .. if not hubby will be running away from home hes knackered lol xxxx
I was going to test on the 9th. I'd be 15dpo. Could probably do it before but if I am then there would definitely be a BFP if there was one.
Purple I could never hang out till 15dpo !!i some1 correct me if im wrong, i think most people get bfp around 12 dpo , but I've seen bfp at 9dpo and some not till 14 dpo after af is due on here , I've tested at 6/7 dpo b4 cus I'm just sad like that lol ! Jodie I know ur 1 4 holding out on the testing 11 dpo is early 4 u but it will b a bloody miracle 4 me !!
I say 15dpo but I'm not sure I'll make it until then but that's the aim! :)
hi everyone can I join in?

im currently 2dpo I got a pos opk on wed so think I ov'd on thurs making me 2dpo today.

im going to test 15dpo if I can wait that long that is hahahahaha, I currently use the Tesco cheapies but something says to switch to another test. what tests do everyone else use?
Andrea im poas from maybe 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 dpo haha i think i will be goin poas crazy haha i dont know i just feel different this month xx

welcome on board the march bfp train everyone one who jumps on board will be getting a bfp xx
hi everyone how do you get the ticker from countdown to pregnancy? it wont seem to work on my profile
Andrea im poas from maybe 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 dpo haha i think i will be goin poas crazy haha i dont know i just feel different this month xx

welcome on board the march bfp train everyone one who jumps on board will be getting a bfp xx

Haha love it!! I'm 7dpo tomorrow and I so wana Poas in the morn as have a 2 pack of frers calling my name :-/ xx
Oh my poor hubby we decided to still dtd every other night just in case bcos of all the lines.on the opks but ive worn him out he couldnt perform lastnight haha i hope he can tonighy lol xx
Morning all , no bd 4 us last night either :( got some in yesterday afternoon ,but I aways think we should of done more ! 2dpo 2day so let the madness begin !
There was no bd'ing here last night either. We have been doing it every second day from cd 6 through to cd 15, which was the day I got a positive opk. Missed yesterday which is annoying as that was probably ov day but oh said he just couldn't do it. Did manage to get some bd'ing in this morning tho which is 1dpo. Just hoping it is enough to bd the day before ov and the morning of the day after. What do you think?x
Hubby was mortified i couldnt help laughin that i had actually worn him out lol we are tryin again tonight .. well ive been lookin at all differnt ov calculators goin off my ticker im 2dpo so my symptim today is an absolutly annoyin twitch in my leg just below my backside its driving me nuts haha xx
Hope all u ladies are well currently. 7dpo don't know when to test I'm a poas addict so probly everyday until aF due want this bfp so bad when shall I test???? Ha ha Baby dust and pos thoughts to everyone mwah

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