14 weeks .....


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2010
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it's been 14 week's since my implanon was taken out, ive had regular periods since it was taken out, and 1 extra little bleed but i just put that down to the implanon being taken out. Anyone any advice on how long it can take to concieve and any advice on what to do to give me more of a chance of concieving since having it out?
it's been 14 week's since my implanon was taken out, ive had regular periods since it was taken out, and 1 extra little bleed but i just put that down to the implanon being taken out. Anyone any advice on how long it can take to concieve and any advice on what to do to give me more of a chance of concieving since having it out?

I have PCSO and was put on the contraceptive pill for 18 months. I was recommend, letting my body have a few periods on its own to regulate itself again, Also recommended That I started taking supplements which are Folic acid, Vit. C and Vit. D there is a make from the NHS you can get free if your pregnant and cheap if your trying to get pregnant, I paid 91p for a bottle, its is called "Healthy start" you can usually get it in most health centers, Failing that you can buy them from supermarkets and chemists, I was told it helps produce healthy eggs and help healthy conception. There are also pregnancy vitamin packs you can buy from chemists that are for conception "Pregnancy Care" I think they are called.

I have also been recommended The ClearBlue Digital Ovulation test kits. These have been good for me so far. And Ive had my positive from them.

But basically my GP recommend these Vitamins to help with keeping me healthy and help me to produce an healthy egg, im not sure if this helps you but I thought I would tell you. Usually when your periods regulate again, its just if you catch the egg as far as im aware. Its easier to conceive once your periods are back to normal i know that.:hugs:
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before i fell pregnant with my son, since i was 15 i was told that i had polycystic ovaries ... when i turned 24 they told me i idnt have polycystic ovaries but i would need help in concieving ... if i could concieve that is ... they also put me on some sort of thing like the pill that had a hormone in it that i was low on or missing, once i stopped them it was like a month or 2 afterwards and i fell pregnant with my son who is now 15 months old. i am just wondering if i am going to need the help of that "pill" again to concieve?
before i fell pregnant with my son, since i was 15 i was told that i had polycystic ovaries ... when i turned 24 they told me i idnt have polycystic ovaries but i would need help in concieving ... if i could concieve that is ... they also put me on some sort of thing like the pill that had a hormone in it that i was low on or missing, once i stopped them it was like a month or 2 afterwards and i fell pregnant with my son who is now 15 months old. i am just wondering if i am going to need the help of that "pill" again to concieve?

Are you ovulating? And are you having regular periods? I know I have Polycystic ovaries was Diagnosed in July 2010. But Im not having any periods at the moment since 22nd February so I haven't been able to conceive.
since having that pill i started having regular periods, after coming off the implanon so far i have had regular periods for 3 months, so i'm guessing im ovulating ?

before i was given that pill i never had regular periods, i would go like 10 months without having a period, etc and when i did get them they would be agony and just flood through everything
since having that pill i started having regular periods, after coming off the implanon so far i have had regular periods for 3 months, so i'm guessing im ovulating ?

before i was given that pill i never had regular periods, i would go like 10 months without having a period, etc and when i did get them they would be agony and just flood through everything

I had the same with my periods before I was Diagnosed. I went 7 months with no periods then I was diagnosed, My GP said If im having periods im ovulating. She said i had to ovulate before I could have my period.

I came of the pill last November and had 4 periods then they have stopped all of a sudden I don't know why like I said ive not bled since 22nd February but 7th march I got a positive on my Ovulation test, Im going to my doctor in the morning. Although my first period in November was withdrawal from the pill but i bled again very early January and I was told this was my natural periods, I then bled again in February also natural cycle. So it can happen. If its correct what my GP told me then it sounds like you have been ovulating :)

I think everyone is different and depends on how long it takes your body to get back to normal, I had my implant for 4 1/2 years then I got it out last december and fell pregnant in the March but we were NTNP until Feb of this year..

Good luck :)
It all depends on the body, some women get pregnant months after its removed.

But for some it takes a while, i've had mine out nearly a year now, and im still TTC.

Let your body do its thing, and in the mean time just keep at it ;)

Good luck creating your bundle of joy :) xxx
It all depends on the body, some women get pregnant months after its removed.

But for some it takes a while, i've had mine out nearly a year now, and im still TTC.

Let your body do its thing, and in the mean time just keep at it ;)

Good luck creating your bundle of joy :) xxx

I didn't even know when my body readjusted. :eh:

Would you say this goes for all methods of contraception?

And good luck Marianne Lots of positive energy and Baby dust
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I would say so since the pill and implanon and jag have a similar contraceptive hormone and this can take up to one year to come out your system. As I say I was NTNP for one year before I started TTC I would have mine out a year in December, started TTC feb and missed OV, fell pregnant in march. xxxx
I had trouble with my implant, Af showed for 3 weeks of the month.

Im not even sure if my body is back to normal, sometimes my AF can be a week late or early.
(not appreciated when TTC) :)
Not sure if thats my body messing around, or the implant is still affecting me.

Baby dust to all xxx
the doctor did advise me that it could take 6 months at least for your periods to settle. I would monitor your cycle lengths for a few months then start TTC as I think it will just be frustrating if you just jump straight into TTC and dont know when your cycles will come and when you will ov..

Orrr you could try SMEP. This is for irregular cycles and such. I done SMEP and used C+ and fell pregnant first cycle with them xxxx
Where would you be able to get that? No harm in trying right!

the doctor did advise me that it could take 6 months at least for your periods to settle. I would monitor your cycle lengths for a few months then start TTC as I think it will just be frustrating if you just jump straight into TTC and dont know when your cycles will come and when you will ov..

Orrr you could try SMEP. This is for irregular cycles and such. I done SMEP and used C+ and fell pregnant first cycle with them xxxx

What is SMEP?
C+ is concieve plus. Its a lubricant that helps sperm mobility and helps them get to were they are meant to get to. C+ is good if you dont have a lot of EWCM. I used C+ and the first night I used it we got pregnant. xxx
C+ is concieve plus. Its a lubricant that helps sperm mobility and helps them get to were they are meant to get to. C+ is good if you dont have a lot of EWCM. I used C+ and the first night I used it we got pregnant. xxx

Now you mention it I do have trouble with EWCM sometimes. Most of the time. But there are time where I don't.
Where as the contraception is involved.
I started taking the pill when I was about 14-15 due to heavy periods... And I came off it completely about 4.5 years ago now it would be..

I never actively TTC, but, I never used anything with my ex partner who I was with for near on 4 years, and never got pregnant..

I since got a new OH, (the one :p) and we agreed if it happened it happened, 5 months later and I got pregnant!

My body obviously knew it was the right time to do the deed!
C+ is concieve plus. Its a lubricant that helps sperm mobility and helps them get to were they are meant to get to. C+ is good if you dont have a lot of EWCM. I used C+ and the first night I used it we got pregnant. xxx

Now you mention it I do have trouble with EWCM sometimes. Most of the time. But there are time where I don't.

I got EWCM randomly throughout my cycle.. I decided to give the C+ a bash as I heard every one on here raving about it.

I did SMEP aswell, did you manage to give it a google? xxx

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