enough sleep?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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am not sure where to post this, so I will post it in the "health " section as well. so, sorry if you read it twice!

For nearly 2 weeks, Maheen has been sleeping much better at night, only waking up every 4 hours for her fee, and we have gradually increased the feed to 120ml of formula.

But for 2-3 days, she has shortened her sleep again, to approx. 2 hours only during the 4 hours inbetween the feeds. and even less during the day!!! I have added the hours up, and I make up she only sleeps 12 hours max. per 24 hours!!!! :shock:

She finds it harder and harder to fall asleep on her own, she is fine if DH keeps her on his chest, or me, but will wake up as soon as we try to put her flat in her cot!
I am worried she is not getting enough sleep, or get over-tired and can't get to sleep!
She was doing so well, and now, it's all gone out of the window!!!

Is 12 hours sleep enough for a 3 weeks and a half old? :?
Am i right to get worried?

Also, is 120 ml of formula enough? After each feed, I find her tummy is quite bloated, butmybe it's normal, it's full, but she does not struggle at all to drink it down!! On the formula box, it only gives advice on quantities for 2 weeks old babies and then jumps straight to 2 months old!! :shock:

What do you think?
mel xx
I dont know, sorry. She is quite young and I would hate to suggest not letting her fall asleep on you especially when at that age they fall asleep so often but maybe when you see her start to nod off you could put her down or maybe sleep on her cover then wrap her in it the next night.
Im not sure about the milk thing, its been a while :lol:
Good luck and I hope it works out,

Thanks Laura

I have tried everytyhing and I think my daughter hates me...I must have done something to her without noticing
she resents me now, completely, only stops crying if my husband takes her
She does not look at me anymore
she does not want to be near me
don't know what I have done
Mel don't think this, it's not true! I thought this for the first few weeks, I was convinced Rubie liked anyone but me. She doesn't hate you!! :D
Babies are just funny at this early stage and she's just trying to work out her own routine, we had various things with Matthew like keeping us up until 2am then finnally giving in and sleeping then he had days of waking up at 3am and not wanting to go back to sleep then he had days where in 24 hours he slept about 7! and would scream at me because he was so tired but we have got used to what he wants and he's starting to nap for 1/2hour at a time in the day and sleeps well at night only waking for feeds etc. She doesnt hate you its just part of her learning her own routine, it will get better :D
Oh mel, that so not true, she is too small to hate anyone and especially not her mummy. I would guess you arent getting much sleep and you are just a new mummy. Even the best behaved baby can make you feel awful. Maybe she does stop crying when your partner picks her up, he might not be as stressed as you. He hasnt just gave birth.
Hope you start to feel a bit better, you are doing a fab job :D
Thanks for your support, girls...I am back!

Had 2 horrible days where I got so scared to even touch my daughter coz I did not want her to start screaming!!!
My husband even took a day off work yesterday coz I was in real panick just to think that I would be on my own with her! I feel better now, he has shown me how to hold her (he has been around babies a lot within his wider family in Pakistan, whereas I have never even touched a baby before!), and she has managed to calm down in my arms yesterday
Today, I have found a position we both like, i sit on my gymball with her on my laps and in my arms, and i jump like I used to do when I was pregnant...well, I don't really jump, I bounce! :wink:

And she fell asleep like this, and slept for one full hour! ohhh, it felt sooooooo good!
It's horrible how my confidence was so quickly gone out of the window!
But it's come back now, I feel better.
Thanks for your nice words.
My husband has been great as well, very supportive.

take care,
mel xx
Im so glad that you feel a bit better, its horrible to feel that you cannot do anything right even when you are doing your best.
Im so impressed with your husband, he should give himself a pat on the back. Coming from a big family can give you an oversight into babies but also into how to look after each other as well.
You take care of yourself....
glad you're feeling better babies can sense when you're stressed and play up my friends little boy used to do it whenever she held him but if someone else had him he was fine
aw mel, i too felt like that to, im lucky like you to have an experience OH, who has been really supportive.
Sooooo glad to hear your back on track, keep smiling. Babies love mummy more than anything in the world...even tho we sometimes dont think so!!!
Thanks girls,

as usual, you are great support, I don't know how I would do without this forum and you. :clap:

Hels, I am sorry you also went through this, because it is a really horrible feeling, isn't it!
But my little girl has slept in my arms now, and that's such a fulfillment! :moon:

Today is Maheen 's birthday, she is already ONE MONTH!!!!!!!!!! :shock: I can't believe it!
ohoh, it's time for her feed, now, and she is good at reminding me!!! :dance:

Take care, girls
Mel xx
Hi Mel
Jess does not like being put flat on her back either, what i found works is to swaddle her in a blanket and then she still feels as though she is being held. Also i was worried about feeds as Jess was having 4 oz and wanting more and the box of milk does not move up unill 2 months and my midwife said the box is just a guide and if she is drinking 4 oz and not bein sick alot after and wanting more to give her 5oz. Jess has been having 5 oz for about 2 weeks now.
Glad to see things are looking up melhoney!

jo jo...I'm in the west midlands too :) Solihull
I went to a nice restaurant in solihull a couple of months ago Urchin.....sorry, way of subject LOL!!!!!

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